A few weeks ago, I posed the same question, titled "Seeking Natural approach to ADHD" I have found the advice given, invaluable in our research. There are an enormous amount of helpful sites to check out regarding ADD/HD. Sifting through them all is completely overwhelming. My saving grace is the fact that my sons' teachers have been extremely supportive of our research and efforts. It certainly is slow going.
I can tell you what has helped us so far.
1. Multi-vites and grapeseed extract daily.
2. A well defined reward/ disipline approach. We devised a schedual where all daily activities are highlighted each day. Our son has been instructed to check the calender every AM, and make sure everything is completed. After school, he is to check it again. We came up with a system that will allow him to earn prizes with a certain amount of stickers. He is totaly responsible for the calander, however; it is relatively new. Once he has had enough time to adjust to the new regimn, he can earn larger rewards for no reminders. He can also lose points for misbehavior or neglecting his responsbilities.
3. He is only allowed 1 hour of TV per day. This is also one of the first priveleges taken for misbehavior.
4. He is only allowed 1/2 hour a day on computer or tv games. (Computer learning is seperate of course) This is also a privelege that may be taken.
5. The other thing we did as a family is to sit and analyse our home life. We came to the conclusion that we certainly were not spending near as much time interacting with each other as we thought. We intergrated 1/1 time w/ Mom, 1/1 time w/Dad, and Family time into his schedual. We feel that knowing what to expect and being able to plan for future activities, has already been helpful. (He no longer has to act out for attention.)It also reminds us - his parents, there isn't anything more important than "hangin' with the Boy"!
6. I have also been journaling back and forth with his teachers, this way we are in contant contact and on the same page as far as behaviors/ disipline go. The journal is written on a as need basis. Only if there is a particular concern. IE: He had an overly active day at school, We have started a new vitamin, suppliment, or what have you. The journal has been a wonderful record of our sons' progress and regress. It has proven to be helpful to his teachers too. I am also certain it will be of some benefit at Dr. appointments.
7. We (just last Thursday) have requested IEP testing. I know some people may be skittish the IEP and Special Ed. stigma, as was evident when I requested it. His teachers were concerned that I may not be satisfied with the outcome, as my son may be considered Special needs. I told them, if My son will learn and thrive in Sp-Ed classes, than that is where he needs to be. I would much rather he go through this now, rather than wait until he is considered out of controll, and suffers in school.
I know this has been a long response. I appologise for that. We seem to be kindred spirits of sorts. If you would like, you may respond to me and maybe we can hook up on the phone. We can swap info.
Take care!