I am a Chiropractor specializing in maternity and Pediatrics. One subject of interest and research has been in ADHD. I have lectured at length about it. It is a huge topic with no one solution. Here are a few simple things to think about:
1. Food allergies- try to remove junk food and excess chemicals from your child's diet as these are "neurotoxins" and literally over stimulate yuor son's nervous system.
2. Check your home and environment for removable toxins such as detergents, bug sprays, harmful cleaners.
3. Have him checked by a chiropractor. There are specific parts of the nervous system (called sympathetic nerves) which over stimulate the adrenal glands and cause them to produce a chemical called cortisol. Cortisol stops the production of normal "feel good" biochemicals, most of all dopamine. The inadequate production of dopamine is thought to be the cause of ADHD. Removing any blockages in these areas will allow his body to regulate his own neurochemicals.
4. There is a natural suppliment, and amino acid (protein) called tyrosine which is a building block of dopamine in the body. You can get this alone or in combination with another great calming protein called "Gabba Calm". It will help him to focus and regulate his mood.
** If he is already taking a pharmaceutical drug for ADHD, talk to your doctor before introducing the amino acids. They are safe and natural, but you don't want to cause an over production of dopamine, either. If your son is no longer taking the medications, then introduce a small dose of tyrosine and gradually see what his ideal amount is.
A great book on the treatment of ADHD and other mental/emotional conditions with the amino acids is called "The Mood Cure". It can be found on Amazon.
I hope this helps.
-Dr. L.
Dr. L. Gerner, D.C., FICPA
Gerner Family Chiropractic
429 F St., Suite 8A
Davis, CA 95616
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