I am a father and equally curious and frantic like any mom. In fact my wife is more of a passive and cool person. I just like to weigh all corners of a scenario.
So here is mine: When we first went to the OB for our second baby, we were told on the phone that we were 9 weeks, but when the OB did an ultrasound, she measured and said the baby is 7 weeks and its early, later we had to do an NT ultrasound between 11-14 weeks. and we when we went there, she measured the baby and said that the we were 13 weeks and 6 days (which puts us back to the old schedule) :) and that we need to get the blood work done today itself to have accurate results, We went immediately to the lab and got our blood work done. After two weeks, we went to our OB and this time there was a nurse GRR!!! and she gave a very inexperienced feeling, she showed me the test result and said that we are tested positive and the risk is higher, 1:170. I was petrified, depressed and scared but still remained calm. She said in a very frowny way that she considers it low but an amniocentisis will give accurate results and there is a chance that it can lead to 1:350 case of miscarriage, and another blood work taken in second timester will take 2 weeks and amnio will be quicker. She also said, hopefully everything should be fine (in a very dicey, tensed way). I was like, even if the result was positive, there is nothing we can do as we have reached the second trimester, so we stayed bold and waited for the second blood work to happen, We called up our OB today to know our second blood work results and came to know that the result is 1:10,000.
Can you believe it? So I clearly infer that the first result was false (or this one is LOL) may be the first blood work did not happen in the 11-14 week window (perfectly).
So guys, I feel these tests just create panic and unrest during pregnancy. It's good to do it if your insurance covers it and you get to see the baby moving while ultrasound which bring you immense joy. Other than that, this is irrelevant. We spent two weeks in distress and finally we can think of worrying of something else now :D
Happy pregnancy and happy parenting.