I don't know about other school districts, but the one I taught in for 15 years will not tolerate students going to one school who live in another district or even in another school boundry. Here if the school find out, the parent is phoned immediately and that day is the student's last day. All records will be sent to the "home" school where the student lives. Worst of all, the teachers are told and some of the other students could find out which might be embarassing to whoever is out of district. If everyone just put their kids in the schools they wanted, some schools would end up grossly overcrowded and some empty. In addition, what a burden to place on kids, "Don't tell the teachers, your friends, etc. about....." It also sends the message to kids that schools, teachers, administrators are not their friends and we must keep secrets from them. Finally, what about a transfer???? Since your niece has special needs, I would think all administrators concerned would be anxious to get her the assistance she needs. They might even waive the transfer fee.