Nope, nothing you can do. But, feel better the longer it takes for them to come in the stronger they are, which reduces cavities and problems from having soft teeth (so bonus there)
my 8 month old has not got one tooth in yet she has had one little dot for 3 months is this normal? is there anything i can do to help her along i dont think there is but it never hurts to ask? :)
Nope, nothing you can do. But, feel better the longer it takes for them to come in the stronger they are, which reduces cavities and problems from having soft teeth (so bonus there)
It will grow in time. My son didn't get any for some time, about the age of your daughter, and got 4 of them all at once. I am sure your baby wont grow up toothless. Don't worry too much about it. Yogurt has calcium and that can help strengthen them as they come in.
Leave them alone - they are fine :) My son's first tooth broke skin three days before his first birthday. I can't remember how long that it looked like it was going to pop through, but it seemed like a long time. No worries, mama!
It is important to "brush" her gums with a soft, wet washcloth after eating and before bed (just like we are supposed to do!) to prevent dental caries. Ask your ped when to start using toothpaste.
The little boy that I watched didn't get any teeth until he was almost 1. He got two bottom teeth and didn't gt any other ones until he was almost 15 months then they all started coming in at once. By his 2nd bday he had a full mouth of teeth.
actually, you WANT for her teeth to stay under the gums as long as possible. The longer they are in the gums the stronger they will be and less prone to cavities.
my son got his first tooth at 10.5 months. not to worry, some are just late teethers! you could ask the ped if they would like to prescribe calcium drops!
give her time they will come in and when they do she may be one cranky little girl. My little on had 4 come in around 9 months and yikes she was in pain. now she has 8 and is 13months. so just be patient they will come out. p.s when they start you can alternate tylenol and motrin about every 4 hours everyother medician.
I have 9 children, and 6 or 7 of them didn't cut their first tooth until right around their first birthday. There is a very wide range of normal, her little teeth will pop through exactly when they are supposed to. :)
My daughter had 2 at about 5 months, another 2 at about 8 months and then nothing more until 15 months. She got 6 more within a month. Now we are at 23 months and she sill only has the 10. Every kid is different. Do you massage her gums like with a toothbrush or anything? That could help stimulate the gums. I think its a wives tale but it would get her used to brushing when the time comes. =)
My daughter didn't get her first tooth until she was almost one and it was a long wait for the others (she's two and has only about half her teeth in). People have said it is better for them to come in later as there is less time for them to decay. No reason to rush, she'll have a full set one day!
My daughter didn't get her first tooth until a few weeks before her first birthday--and it was a top tooth at that. I was over a year old before I got a tooth....my niece was nearly two. It is normal, not average, but normal. The good news is that the later the teeth come in the healthier they will be...both my pediatrician and dentist agreed with this "old wives tale". I am 34 and never had a cavity...my permanent teeth took a long time, too.