My Little 2 1/2 Year Old Cry When I Leave for Work.

Updated on December 21, 2006
L.S. asks from Brooklyn, NY
9 answers

I am a single parent of a little girl who is 2 1/2 years old. In the morning I take her to my mothers before i go to work when it time for me to leave she will walk me to the door, most day she hugs me good-by and go back to watch tv but some morning she crys and I feel so bad I want to cry. IS this normal to feel like this?

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answers from New York on

its normal for some days they cry some they dont.. and its also normal to feel like your the most horrible parent in the world. (i know i do) but also remember that little Sh _ _ is playing and laughing not to soon after your gone. It helps. and shes at least with her grandma so that should be even a better consulation to you.
and like most of us spending everymoment wiht them makes up for the fact we drop them some were els.e
but also remeber this. MOMMY TIME or we get cranky and resent the time with them... THis week this mommy is going to a nice salon for a scalp massage/haircut/wax and dye. (which is somehtining i never due.. haircut only wen necassayr wax when tottally necassary and dye forget it 1 every couple of years if im lucky. I was given a gift certifacte to a fancy place so for the first time in 4 years im doin it. i didnt even do this for my wedding.
stay relaxed

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answers from Burlington on

Well L.,its normal for u to feel like that!I did when i use to work and it was bad for me cause my kids hated the babysitter sooo i understand where u are comming from.But she will get over it,she just needs to adjust being away from mom needs time getting use to

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answers from New York on

I work full time and my 19 month old daughter is in a day care center during the week. She goes through phases where sometimes she doesn't care when I leave, and sometimes she cries and grabs my legs.

It is really difficult for me to leave on those days, and its very hard to go when she is so upset. I feel like the worst mother in the world. But I do know that within a few minutes after I leave, she feels much better and is having a good time being distracted by something else.

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answers from New York on

of course it's normal for her to cry. she'll miss you. how about having your mom distract her or take her into another room before you leave. I do that with my son sometimes and it usually works. good luck & don't feel bad

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answers from New London on

Absolutely normal. I think it's called separation anxiety but not sure. Some children cry when you leave because they miss you and some don't realize you're only going to be gone for a few hours. All my kids did this. My mother in law used to babysit for 2-3hours in the morning while I slept because i worked 3rd shift.I ended up sneaking out of the house while she distracted the kids with Winnie the pooh shows. lol. Good luck.;

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answers from New York on

Hi L., it is called Separation Anxiety. Yes, it is normal for you to want to cry. All you have to do is get a toy clock and show her how it works. You can set the hands to the time you are expected to pick her up. This may calm her down and she wont feel like you are abandoning her. If she is really attached to you, she may be feeling like she will never see you again. Just reassure her that mommy is at work and that she will come home at this time. Lots of hugs and kisses will make her better. Wait until she starts school, you are really going to boo-hoo!!! =) Good Luck! N.



answers from Hartford on

Try making up a morning routine with her so she always knows what to expect and what is coming next. You shouldn't leave when she isn't looking or without saying good-bye. That would just hurt her feelings...the only difference is that you wouldn't have to watch her heart break when she realized that you weren't there anymore. Since she doesn't always feel upset, I'm wondering if there could be a correlation between her crying and your stress. Maybe you'll find that on the mornings that you are rushed she has a hard time letting go. Also here are some other ideas:
- leave a pair of your shoes so that she knows you have to come back to get them. (and she can play with them while your gone)
- Give her a piture book filled with pictures of the two of you that she can look at.
- Write her a letter (draw pictures for the younger ones)
- Put a special kiss in her hand that she can hold onto (and then 'use it up' when she feels like she needs some mommy lovin')
- write a book with her that she can look at when you are gone.

I would suggest that you not promise a phone call or make surprise phone calls because in my experience this just upsets her at a time in the day when she was feeling o.k. If you want her to be able to talk to you when she is missing you tell her to have grandma call you and talk to her then. Anyway, I hope some of this helps! Good luck!



answers from Buffalo on

Hi L.,
Oh it can be so hard!! And it can ruin your morning, if not your day, worrying about your little girl. Mine would do the same thing. Have you asked your mom how long she cries after you leave? I found that most times, my daughter would stop within a minute, and go about her day. I also found that if you linger too long, she will see that her crying is making you stay longer, and it can make it worse. I think my best suggestion would to try and find a routine when you leave. For example, give her a hug, and come up with a silly saying that will make her smile, so she won't think about being sad.. like "see ya later alligator, I love you". Always remind her too that you will be back in a little while, and it might help to have something planned for when you come home that day. Like... when mommy gets home today we're going to paint a picture together, or bake cookies, or something that she can look forward to.
These have helped me, so good luck!!
Happy holidays,



answers from New York on

Grandma might be a little mean. Find out how she feels about watching your child.

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