B., I have years of experience as a family wellness coach and, well, I will tell you what I know.
Bullying needs to be stopped. Yes "kids will be kids", but bullying is not acceptable. Bullying may be a sign of frustration or a way of getting attention.
So what do you do?
1. Each time he behaves in a way you find unacceptable, you stop whatever it is that you are doing and you get his attention. Get down to his level and say, "we do not XXXXX in this family. Are you part of this family?" (wait for an answer) then say "good, remember we don't XXXXX in this family, we ________ in this family". DO THIS EVERY TIME. Acknowledging/rewarding the bad behavior may just be what we wants. You are already catching him being good, that is great. But you do have to acknowledge the unacceptable behaviour. You will have to repeat this over and over again, but it will stick. Your teacher will have to do the same (she should be anyway…but that is another story)
2. Be consistent. If you "let it go" once, he will be affirmed that he can "get away with it" again. The more consistent you are the sooner it will stick.
3. Get your family and school on board. Anyone who says "boys will be boys" will undo all that you have done.
This consistency works for all challenges. Tell your children what you want, don’t make them guess.
stay close to mom when crossing the street
hold my hand in the parking lot
eat your veggies
play nice with your sister/friend
sleep well
make good choices
respect your toys, etc
you will get exactly that...
Try this little experiment with your kids.
Say to them
Now ask, “what did you just do?”
Right they thought of a pink elephant.
Now try this: THINK OF A BLUE DOG. What did they do? Right. They did exactly what you said… BOTH TIMES.
Now say this, “play nice with the other kids”. What do you think they will do?
It is that easy. But it MUST BE CONSISTENT.
If you don't teach him...yes daily...he will remain challenged.
And if you think KIDS don’t need to be reminded daily, just take a drive and count how many speed limit signs there are on the road, how many stop signs there are...how many traffic lights there are. We all need constant reminders of the behaviour that is appropriate to our leading healthy productive lives.
Focus on what you want and you will get it.
Family Wellness Coach