Sounds like you are fishing for info in order to sell something....... I am not buying it.
This is a parenting site, NOT a marketing site
I have seen my son engaging a lot with the computer and iPhone. One day after I told him to sleep and leave the laptop, he asked "Mom! What is inside this?"
My husband was intrigued by the idea and thought an app on the same topic could help other kids as well.
As a parent, what are your thoughts and expectactions from such an app?
P.S. Just a little clarification that this isn't a market study as some members have commented. I am deeply sorry if it looks like one but I was just trying to share my thoughts :)
Appreciate all your comments:)
Sounds like you are fishing for info in order to sell something....... I am not buying it.
This is a parenting site, NOT a marketing site
I'm sorry - both of your questions have been about 'teaching' and this one seems like a market study.
I would NOT use the application. We have an old computer and laptop and my husband is an engineer. We'd give them one of the old ones to work with to learn instead of an app.
Troll. You stole your profile picture from Karen Steele and you're stupid to think no one can see through this.
Last week your only child son was a daughter.
If this is for real, it would be a lot more interesting to get an old broken down computer and let your son take it apart. Give hima set of screwdrivers.
Remind him to never do this with a working computer!
Go on Craigslist under free or free cycle. Tons of broken down computers are given away for parts. Our children's museum every once in a while has a big able where the kids can look at old broken computers..
We are not a marketing tool. This site is for parenting.
Generally when a kid wants to know what's inside something - they take it apart.
I did that with an old wind up alarm clock once.
My husband did that sort of thing too when he was a kid and for certain things he had the knack of putting them back together again.
I think you should get an old broken one and your son and Dad should dismantle it together - some circuit boards are almost a work of art.
And then they can go take the parts to an electronics recycling center.
I'm sure apps can teach many wonderful things but you can really learn a whole lot with a screwdriver and some hands on dismantling.
Or - you can watch one being assembled on YouTube.
Are all your parenting questions about teaching apps and are you perhaps sidling up to the idea of maybe promoting a/your business and/or doing marketing research?
Becoming an official vendor of the site makes that ok.
If I'm wrong - sorry - my bad.
You are a "mother of one" who last time was a girl but today is a boy?
You are fishing for info by posting a vague question about developing apps? Apps have to have broad appeal. Contact a software engineer, a marketing professional, and a patent attorney. A parenting site won't help you especially when your entire profile and photo are suspect.
Do you have a boy or a girl? I'm confused.
I think an app would be interesting but short lived. Most kids are not that cognitive yet and would get lost shortly.
Most kids learn by using their hands. They are tactile and learn more from a hands on point of view.
I don't think he should sell his app but if he did it from the point of view where they could do cool graphics and make it visually interesting then it might go over well as a free app.