Good Morning
M. G
my name is N. I operate a Wholistice Daycare and I love children they the most precious gems in the world. I feel that your daughter is experiencing dehydration, perhaps. When lips are dry that is a sign of not enough water being absorbed. Especially if she was sick and she was taking an antibiotic which really depletes our water supply. You could have her drink vitamin water which has electrolytes and they have lots of different flavors to choose from or for plain water I always choose Smart Water which also has electrlytes in it.
Also include alot of healthy oxygenated fruit juices and vegetables juices that are not pasterized and some organic liquid vegetable broths or Miso soup( the one in the glass jar) Its packed with vitamins, trace minerals and good bacteria so we can have great digestive flora.
I reccomend going to Whole foods supermarket located 24th street 7th avenue
Integral Yoga supermarket located 13th street btw 8 & 7th ave.
those are excellent supermarkets to shop from/
I thank you for allowing me ot contribute to you and your daughter. I wish you well on your journey to extraordinary Health.
Nylahs Wholistic Miracles