my son did something similar to this a couple months ago.
the thing with stomach or intestinal trouble is that they take a long time to recover (2 weeks after the initial incident) and they take a long time to stay gone.
what you should do is after she throws up, IMMEDIATLY STOP ALL LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS for at least 30-60 minutes. 15 minutes after that, you can give her emetrol - i think thats the name of it - it is an anti nausea medicine. you may also give her ONE spoonful of water. if she keeps that down 15 minutes later you may give her ONE more spoonful of water. do this for about 8 hrs, ONLY giving her ONE spoonful of water every 15 minutes or longer if shes sleeping or doesnt want it. around 8 hrs you can try to give her like ONE piece of cereal, like cheerios or something. give her one of those every 15 minutes if she keeps it down. if she throws up again, start over. i was told that it takes 24 hrs before you should even consider feeding her anything in a large amount. then feed her something healthy, simple and not strong; chicken soup, peanut butter sandwich (NO JELLY) something like that . crackers too are nice.
gatorade might be ok also at the 24 hr mark. but any time that she throws up start over again.
keep wiping surfaces with bleach rag or wipes or something to try to get rid of any bugs in your house. if its a warmer day, open all the windows in your house for 5-10 minutes (trust me!!) and that will blow out the stuffy air, improve the air quality in the house, and help blow out some of the cruddy air... you have no idea how good it feels when you do that in the winter until you do it. its amazing. dont serve treats or high fat foods once you start feeding, and dairy is also probably not a good idea. just make it simple.
anyway. good luck. it sounds so much like what my son was doing (hes 3) and i remember being where you were. my son did get a bit of a fever, but he was otherwise fine, he would act normal the rest of the day, just seemed like it was out of nowhere he would throw up. :( :( its the worst :( :(
good luck