Hi N.,
My daughter is in 2nd grade now and she is 8 years old. I can relate to what you are saying. She was bullied by the older kids in her daycare! She never told me, until we started to see her change in attitude and how she treats other's in her class. Then I sat her down, gave her some ice cream and had a mom and daughter talk. She then told me that the older girls in the class was bullying her and was not nice to her. I told her it's a hard thing to get rid of, however she needs to be strong. It's either be in their group and bully other's and get into a lot of trouble (example: taking her favorite stuff away from her) or try to be an individual and try to stay away from them as much as possible (find a teacher to be near or any adult). The girls however, are really nice around adults, but when they are just around kids, they are really mean. My daughter was the only one who got caught and every one thought she was the one bullying! Well I talked to the teachers and told them that they need to keep an eye on *the girls who are not nice* and they need to treat this ASAP!
I'm not sure if your daughter's school has the no bullying rule or not, but an adult (teacher) needs to be notified. I'd have a heart to heart talk with the teacher and the principal just to let them know what your concern is, since they are still young, we can still so call curb them as much as we can. Then you need to maybe take your daughter out for some ice cream or something special and tell her that sometimes other people can be mean, this doesn't mean it gives you the right to be mean to others... Then give her an example: If another girl treated you mean and said mean things to you, how would you feel? Her reaction and answer might be: sad, mad, not happy... Then tell her, well that is how other people feel when you are being mean to them. You are a big girl now and have responsibilities, so mommy needs you to be a big girl and not be mean to others. True, others do not know that what they are doing is wrong, but maybe their parents just haven't talked to them yet, or maybe they are just taking it out on other girls because they do not know how to express themselves or react to people who are being nice. But we are all humans, and we all make mistakes, AND we do get in trouble for our mistakes! So next time if a mean girl comes to you and be mean, try to walk away and stand near a teacher.
It helped my daughter a lot, and she has improved a lot on the being mean to other's part... She did walk away from the girls that was being mean to her and just stood by a teacher or was near a teacher, and the girls just plainly stopped being mean and talking to her.
I hope my advice helps you and your daughter. Just keep strong! And remember sometimes we can not always be there to stop the other girls and fight our daughter's battle, as this is something she has to learn.. However, we can all prevent this from getting worse! :)
Keep me posted!