My daughter turned 1 just the other day, a couple days before her birthday she started throwing tantrums, she throws herself to the floor kicks her feet screams as loud as her voice can go and bangs her head on things, We've been letting her throw her fits, we dont pay attention to her, dont pick her up and dont talk to her, it seems to be working, she still throws them of course but not for nearly as long as last week, I continue doing whatever I need to do, but keep an eye on her to make sure she isnt hurting herself. With my nephews, when they throw a fit about something we leave after they've had a warning, I might go back if its something like grocery shopping, but they stay home and deal with the consequences of acting out, its helped out alot with them and made it alot easier to go out and have fun with them since they know that behaviour isnt acceptable. I know it seems like a lost cause when they're this young and that they dont understand it, but they pick up on it, and its alot easier on you in the long run. Im not a single parent but my husband works incredibly long hours so im with her 24/7, My husband only gets to see her anywhere from 1 - 2 1/2 hours a day so she has him wrapped around her little finger, Its important to both be on the same page, what ever rules she has with you, she has with him, Tell him how hard it can be and it'd be alot easier on you, especially with being pregnant, if you were both on the same team. Its true when moms say they're testing their limits, I tell my daughter no a million times a day, you hate to feel like a nagger but thats truely how they begin to learn right from wrong, Eventually they understand the rules (Usually around 3 - 3 1/2 almost 4 years old (i know that seems like an eternity away, but it goes by so damn fast) and dont test it nearly half as much. My daughter recieved a baby little leaps system as a christmas gift, we both sit down with it once a day maybe more if we get the chance to, and play the games together, it really catches her attention, she settles right down and sits in my lap until we're done, She also helps me with all my cleaning up too, she listens really well when she sees im doing something and that she can help, Im not sure if you do that with your daughter, but it could help with the listening skills if you dont? Anyways, I hope I was of some help, good luck!