I am sorry that you are going through this. I was also abused by my ex both mentally and physically. First, does she want to leave. Second, what is stopping her from coming home. I know that things stopped me from leaving. Money, my parents pressuring me and telling me they were right, and I was scared to uproot my kids. Also, the church and his parents telling me how sinful it was not to stand by my husband. If she cannot save the money without him finding it or better yet spending it. Then save it for her a little bit at a time, or start a savings and call all relatives. She will leave on her own time. I waited too long. He was an alcoholic and it took him getting into a car accident with my daughter. I know it sounds bad. I did leave him several times, but his parents threw church and forgiving in my face all the time. I felt like a bad mom. I was also far away from my parents. She might just be happy where she lives, just not with whom.