I just recently finished the book "Stuff" which talks about hoarding. The last chapter deals with children who cannot bear to throw anything away; when their parents forcibly clean their areas it causes major trauma. I'm not suggesting your son has this (there was talk that hoarding may be a component of OCD) but in each of the cases their hoarding or obsessing about objects started somewhere. The families addressed their children's problems in different ways: medicine, therapy, etc. They all learned to live with their child's tendencies even if those obsessions isolated them eventually.
Stress manifests in many ways and this issue may resolve itself once he understands that he is not going to be abandoned. He has no control over you leaving him but he CAN control picking up these miniscule objects. It sounds like a fixation to me, one that I would pay close attention to.
I hope you are able to help him with this and get to the bottom of why he's picking up things. I dare say that's not the real problem...