To me this is just 'normal stuff' and has nothing to do with her Dad or stepdad. All kids want to stay up late, all of them forget about homework till the last minute unless parents make them do it earlier.
No coke or cola any caffeine after 5PM, thats one thing to make sure of.
I dont know what time you are trying to make her go to bed, but 10 isnt that 'late' really. If lights-out at 10 would end the fight, then try it.
Tell her the rules you make, like for example 'lights out at 10', but she can read in bed with a flashlight. No TV after 10PM, and she has to stay in her room and be shhhhh - quiet.
If she isn't tired then still no TV, she can read in bed and stay in her room. Let her have a later bedtime if its not a school-night.
The forgotten homework and last-minute project is another problem totally. Ask her about homework and projects and make a time right after school to do them, and find out what the assignments are from the teacher. A lot of teachers now a way to check online. Send the teacher an email.