the book "Secrets of a Baby Whisperer- how to calm, connect, and communicate with your baby" by Tracy Hogg REALLY helped us with our first baby who was hard to put down. It's a great book and I buy it for any of my friends who've had a baby, and they found it helpful too. Also though, babies go through a lot of sleep pattern changes... at this age, from about 6 months, they (according to my Pediatrician) go through separation anxiety.. where even at night during sleep time, they may wake more often and want to see you and know you are there and close by. Both my kids went through that. It's common. Also though, during growth spurts they may simply be hungrier and may need to feed. It's typically just phases they go through... it will pass typically. If there is nothing else wrong with him, medically or otherwise, then at least you can rule that out. Also, teething may be an issue too at this age... it typically bothers them more at night, thus they wake up more etc. You will find a lot of helpful responses here, it's a great site for Moms. Good luck!