I would suggest getting him enrolled in Help Me Grow or another similar program. Definitely speak to your pediatrician about it, but also look for help outside of just the doctor. Help Me Grow can get you in contact with speech therapy evaluations, hearing tests, as well as support for you and the family. We are going through the same thing. Our youngest was born 8 weeks preemie and has had development issues all along. He will be 2 next month and only repeats words, he doesn't speak independently at all. We have been enrolled in speech therapy since December. We are now awaiting an appointment with a developmental specialist at Akron Children's Hospital to see if his delays are preemie-related or possibly autism-related. For your son, since you said he's up to par with everything else, there was just an article in one of the parenting magazines last month about a speech condition called Apraxia. Maybe do some online research and see if your son fits the criteria for this, too. Keep working with your son, repeating sounds like 'lalalala', 'dadadada', 'mamamama', 'babababa', don't worry just yet about specific words. Just try getting those sounds out of him, on a consistent basis. As for communicating with him in the mean time, you could introduce sign language for basic words like "eat, more, milk, sleep, no, yes". We started sign language back in November and Ben is learning really well now. It's definitely helped us along. Plus as you sign the words, you SPEAK it, so it's like a double-whammy for the child. They SEE and HEAR it. Sometimes it helps them better associate the word. There are websites that you can look up basic words, that's what I did for words I didn't already know from past sign language use. Good luck and if you would like to talk or ask me any questions, feel free to contact me!! Hang in there! I know how frustrating it is. There are days I just sit and look at my son and burst into tears, because I want him to be able to tell me things. So I understand what you're going through.