Sounds like a 2 1/2 year old to me :)
The certainly like their opinions, once they realize they have them!!!
He will tell me "don't sing" when I sing, or if I say something like "hey cutie", he'll say "don't cutie!" We were watching "Signing Time" together and I signed "cousin" and he said "don't cousin!" I'm not sure what to think about it. I know I don't have a good singing voice, so I get that he doesn't want me to sing. LOL This doesn't happen all the time though. He's normally a very easy going kid.
Sounds like a 2 1/2 year old to me :)
The certainly like their opinions, once they realize they have them!!!
Doesn't sound bossy to me. Sounds like he is trying to control his world and I think that is normal. Some people need more control than others. He may or may not be one of those people that fights for control later. Right now he is beginning to understand he does have some control and so he is testing it out.
Welcome to my world. I agree with Patty W. in terms of him trying to control his world. Totally normal part of development in this age group. Case in point: If I sing along in the car, my daughter asks me to start the song again and not sing. If I take my pony tail out I get "mommy put the ponytail back in."
I take it with a grain of salt and know this is benign compare to what the teen years will hold _0
2 years old just want to know what they can get away with. Also, they like to tell you what to do. Don't give in. Tell him when you sing that you are very happy and ask him if he doesn't want you to be happy. You would be very sad if he wasn't happy.
Same with everything else. Turn it from a negative into a positive.
He sounds full of sass, and super-cute. And, from the "quotes" you've provided, like he's still speaking in two- or three-word "commands" rather than more complex sentences (which is perfectly normal). In other words, he doesn't have the verbal capacity yet to be bossy or not. If it bothers you, ask him to say "please," but be warned, he won't understand the meaning of "please" for a long, long time to come.
Reframe that stuff as independent, teach him how to ask nicely if he wants something to be different. Bossy is something else entirely, so if you look at the things you mentioned as him wanting to have an opinion about something, it'll help separate the "controling the world in some way" from the "bossy-pants" :)
Around that age we started calling my dd the 'tiny tyrant'. Lol, I think its a normal phase, although mine still tells me my singing is bad.