Young infants want and need to be held. This is totally normal and how we've survived as a species. This may be what Leela Jane is trying to tell you! Your instincts are right's great to rock your baby. Try an Ergo -- the best baby carrier made, expensive but worth it-- or an infant sling (she may be too young yet for an ergo, but it's great for your back) and wear her at naptime....bounce her a bit, dance a bit. She'll fall alseep and you can get things done: housecleaning, shopping, walking. Wearing my babies made motherhood manageable practically and more sweet and fun.
She's still so little. Hold her and take a nap with her... let her fall alseep on your chest or snuggled next to you. I did this with both my girls and they are healthy and strong and sleep in their own beds now. You will not "spoil" your baby by holding, sleeping near or wearing her. You are giving her the comfort she needs to relax and know you are there.
My newborn is now ten months in a blink. It goes so very fast. Surrender, take the time to just be with her and help her find her best ways to rest.
As a pre-school assistant teacher I had to get a room of 15 three year olds to sleep. The best advice I was given was to KNOW that they WILL and CAN sleep. It sounded hoakey, but I did find that when I was centered and I knew that the children would fall alseep, they would. When I was distracted or impatient, they wouldn't so easily. Babies absorb everything. Our energy, too.
Last thing, don't be afraid to lay her down on her tummy. Both of my girls slept better that way as infants.
I feel for you. It'll get better.