When my daughter was under a year old, her skin was very sensitive and she would break out in a rash on her face (contact dermatitis). The doctor told me to wash her face with PhisoDerm. It worked GREAT.
My son, every so often, gets pimples every now and again...most commonly on his cheek. It's usually only one for a couple days- then nothing for a couple weeks. My question is...baby's skin is sooooo sensitive...can I use any topical creams or anything to speed up the healing process. I've tried Neosporin but it didn't seem to do much. Any suggestions?
When my daughter was under a year old, her skin was very sensitive and she would break out in a rash on her face (contact dermatitis). The doctor told me to wash her face with PhisoDerm. It worked GREAT.
Hi J.,
I just wanted to let you know that I went through that with all three of my kids. I was just told by their doctor to keep their faces clean and that some kids are just prone to it. As far as speeding up the healing process, I think their skin would be a lot like ours (only more sensitive)--I always just let my kids' heal on their own (seems like it took less time then my always does). I know I am probably not much help just thought I would let you know that you are not alone out there with this issue. If you are enjoying staying at home with your son I would be more than happy to tell you about an awesome company that I work for which would allow you to continue to do that. My companies name is AtHome America and I would be more than happy to give you more information should you like to pursue it. Take a look at my website at www.athome.com/T. and click on the careers link. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contace me and I would love to help you out. Best of luck to you.
Has he been in the wind? Or, the cold. My children both have sensitive skin. I was told to put lotion on it. Neosproin can make it worse.
When the wind blows their skin breaks out.
Try the lotion and see if it works. Good Luck!!
Hi J.!!!
I am a customer of a health and wellness company and they sell some products that might work for your son. All of their products are environmentally safe and good for babies, children, adults, everyone. Check their products out. You might love their products and their prices. All the prices we customers pay are by the PC-preferred customer.
I am a stay-at-home mom of three children and have been home for 3 years and absolutely love it. I work from home....first time in my life and lovin' it. Never want to go back into the corporate world again!!! It's nice to make money while I'm at home.
Hope the information about the products help. Email me anytime if you have any questions about becoming a customer.
God bless you!!!!
Did he have a lot of baby acne when he was a baby as well? My daughter is the same way and will still get some on her cheeks; she is 2. It is totally harmless, but try to keep his cheeks clean at all times, wash with a very mild soap, and always apply lotion after his bath. Cetaphil works the best for us. They will heal up quickly on their own, but the best way of treating them is trying to prevent them.
Are you sure it's acne, and not eczema? My son has eczema on his cheeks, and when he breaks out, it looks like pimples. I would have your dr. take a look at it. My ped. prescribed Elidel for break outs, and recommended Eucerin lotion vs. Johnson's and Aveeno. Might be worth looking into.
My 9 month old gets that- just one or 2 spots every once in a while. I just keep his skin clean and leave it be and it goes away, no scarring. I attribute it to breastfeeding, my doctor told me (this was back when he was still a newborn) that is not uncommon to see little pimples like what my son gets when you breastfeed because of the fluctuations in my hormones will be passed on to him. The little pimples don't seen to bother him a bit, no itching or anything- so in our case, like I said, I just keep it clean and leave it alone.
My 13 mo. old daughter has had 'baby acne' and ezcema ever since she was a newborn. My doctor told me to use a cream/lotion called Eucerin. It is over the counter and is safe to use on sensitive skin of babies. I've gotten mine at Wal-Mart, Hy-Vee, Medicap, etc. I have to use it about once a month on her. Her cheeks, neck, arms and legs, and it has worked every time. Hope this helps.
Try Burts Bee's baby products or go to a health food store and talk with someone about your little guys sensitive skin.
Keep dreaming & dancing to the rhythm of life
Have you ever heard of Arbonne? They make a line of baby products that are great for sensitive skin. I think that your son's skin is just getting irritated by something. And many kids have baby acne.
My daughter had the same thing. Her cheeks get so dry and I started to sell Arbonne and using the baby lotion really helped her skin. They also have a few other products that are perfume free and great. IF you want more info let me know, or check out the web site for a consultant near you.