Multiple Screen Names

Updated on September 22, 2013
H.M. asks from Huntington Beach, CA
14 answers

Another post got me thinking about this and I guess I'm just curious. Why do people who post/respond have more than one screen name. I was reading responses to a question the other day and I recognized the "response" style of one poster, but did not recognize the name, but upon further investigation ( yes, I was a little bored that day) I'm about 99% sure she has a different username. Is there something to gain by doing this?

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I mean people with multiple accounts. Like one person with three different usernames all open at the same time. I also changed my username for more anonymity, so that I understand.

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answers from Norfolk on

Multiple accounts gives you the chance to have multiple personas.
You can be a total jerk or spill embarrassing secrets or be a troll and then be totally reasonable and respectable with the other.
Kind of like having an imaginary friend that you can blame for all the naughty stuff you had a hand in.
I'm not organized or creative enough to pull something like that off.

I do have an imaginary friend though.
His name is Larz.
He sort of resembles Fabio and he exists to worship me - I can do no wrong.
If he's good for nothing else he's an incredible boost for my ego.

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answers from Houston on

So they can talk to themselves. And answer back…..
Drama most likely. It doesn't take a detective to figure it out sometimes.

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answers from Portland on

Life's too short for multiple accounts. At least, for me. My old screen name was H. W but when several people changed their screen names, I did too. More out of solidarity than anything else. (Heck, my blog site address was still up, so it wouldn't be a mystery).

I think people with multiple accounts do this more to create drama than anything else. Nothing gained there.

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answers from Miami on

You're right. The reason is to bolster their opinion (usually political) or beat up on another poster. One of the ones I know about is a woman who pretended to be a man. It took me a while to "get it", but when she copied and pasted the exact same answer word for word under both names in the same thread, and then quickly changed one when she saw her mistake, the proof was in the pudding. Once everyone knew about it, the "man" went away.

You'd think someone would have more in their lives than that, but evidently not.

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answers from Las Vegas on

While I only have one screen name, I think that having more could be a good idea. For example, say you want to post something that is VERY personal and perhaps even feel somewhat ashamed about, then why not use a different screen name.. Even though this is all suppose to be anonymous, you, yourself even see a pattern of someone's "response style" therefore, I could see how if a person were having personal issues, particularly with an abusive significant other, then they might want to make sure their identity is not found out.. if it was, it might mean more trouble for them.... So yes, there is something to be gained... in some cases, privacy.. and safety..

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answers from Dallas on

Oh, you mean when someone has more then one account and posts from multiples users. I have no idea why. I have never understood. I don't have that kind of time!!

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answers from San Francisco on

When you sign up you create a login name, but you have the option of creating a username as well. For example, my username is Mamazita, which shows up when I ask and respond to questions but if/when I send a flower or PM my login name (T. S) comes up.
I think the username option is there just for fun, most people like to create a username that reflects their style or personality, that's all.

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answers from Houston on

Who cares? People may tend to do it maybe because some mamas will not let another mother have a fair shake once they decide to beat up on her. As long as the questions are interesting, I could not care less. Those who do care are the ones with too much time on their hands.

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answers from Las Vegas on

I think I have seen someone respond to their own question. Whatever. I guess they feel the need...

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answers from Seattle on

It's fun. They don't tend to hide it (or their opinion). It's like when everyone started putting symbols into their screen name because they could.

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answers from St. Louis on

I changed my user name for a while but didn't hide that at all. You could look at my profile and see my old questions and answers so no great secret.

There were a couple people who had two actual profiles that they used but that hasn't been done in a while so far as I know.

There are also a few people who had to make new profiles because if you ever forget your password they won't send it to you or let you reset it.

I also have four user names, like different profiles, because I was bored at work and wanted to see if there is any security on this platform that would stop me, nope! I started a message board a couple weeks ago, it warns me if it is a duplicate IP, username, or email address. This platform only checks email addresses so...
Oh yeah, I have never used those extra names, couldn't even tell you what I made for the logins.

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answers from Springfield on

I think you mean someone has more than one account, rather than someone changed their screen name.

I considered doing that. When I first joined this site (mamasource), I didn't include much information about myself. But I did use my real name and location. I thought about opening another account and not giving my real name or location just in case I ever wanted to ask a personal or embarrassing question.

I haven't felt the need to ask a personal question, so ...

But I kind of wondered if someone might do that to be more anonymous.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Lol Doris Day! I remember that happening like it was yesterday!
That poster now lacks credibility with most.
I've changed my user name, location. but not my account. Anyone can see that's still me.
LOVE the boards where that is not possible.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

I got reported a while back and then a day or so later could not get on mamapedia. I got on my daughter's account and tried to get on mamapedia but couldn't through her name either. I figured at that point that there was an issue with mamapedia and not with my user account. The next day it was fine.

That's the only time I've every logged in as anyone else. I do wonder if people that comment on their own posts are trying to get those who have commented back on the topic they really asked about.

I know it's easy to catch a sentence or point then focus on that part and never answer their question.

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