Hi C.,
I had two misscarriages last year. Well, one eptopic pregnancy and a misscarriage. I have two beautiful daughters...both grown, one is 20 and the other is 18. I had a son who passed away when he was only 17 and a half months and I have always wanted another child since. I now have a cheerful little 1 year old grandson (I can not believe I am a grandmother!). I was divorced from my daughters father and remarried to a wonderful man who has never had children of his own but has always wanted them. When we tried the first time it took me awhile to get pregnant but when I did, I found out I had a pallop (sorry about the spelling). Well, long story short, after only a month of pregnancy, we lost that baby due to the eptopic pregnancy. We got pregnant again in September only to misscarry after a month with that one. When I was in the emergency room they found out I had diabetes...which I am sure (and they confirmed) is a good possibility for the cause of this misscarriage. I didn't even know I had diabetes up to that point! and it was REALLY high. Now I am too old and on medications which will not allow me to carry a baby full term.
I guess I am writing more to just let you know I know how it feels to want a baby with a man that you love so very much and everything seems to keep going wrong. I am truly sorry for all your losses and I hope you hold on to the strength and hopes that someday you may find out the cause of all of this. As hard as it sounds, try not to stress about it. That sounds silly and possibly even mean, but the stress is not going to help you. In the meantime (as I sure you are) enjoy your 5 yo daughter and wonderful husband.
If you would like to just talk further or just vent, message me and I will send you my screen name and we can chat via that way.
Wishing you the best and most happiness,