Mothers Day Out Program

Updated on May 09, 2012
M.T. asks from Euless, TX
8 answers

I recently learned that the Mothers Day out program I had my son enrolled in has closed. I am in need of a good Mothers Day out Program in the Euless, Grapevine, Colleyville or Southlake area. PLEASE HELP!!!

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answers from Dallas on

Compass Christian Church has an excellent program. They are in Colleyville at the corner of Hall-Johnson and Glade. Their website is Phone: ###-###-####

Blessings to you!




answers from Dallas on

Try LIFEchurch on Davis Blvd in NRH. We have 2 or 3 day programs. Great caring teachers. ###-###-####



answers from Dallas on

There are some WONDERFUL Mother's day out programs in those areas. I love Church at the Cross. I've had children attend there and I've worked there. The director is great, each classroom has a curriculium and the kids go to chapel, music, and library. It's on Tuesday/Thursday from 9-2 and they offer a program called "stay and play" that goes until 4 for an extra fee. I've also had friends that had kids go to United Methodist in Grapevine by Main Street it's program is called CLC. And, I have a friend that teaches at Compass Christian (Hall Johnson & Pool in Colleyville) and a friend that teaches at White's Chapel (in Southlake). Most of these programs fill quickly, so I wouldn't waste a lot of time before I call!



answers from Dallas on

Do you know of any good Mothers Day out programs for the summer in the Bedford, Euless, Hurst, Grapevine area for my preschooler?



answers from Dallas on

First Baptist Church Euless has a great program. My son was there last year and he loved it. It is called First Kids Academy and you can enroll your son 1 day a week or 2 days a week.



answers from Dallas on

I highly recommend CLC in Grapevine. My son went there and really thrived. They are accredited which was really important to me. They are reasonably priced as well. They have a fantastic staff, just all around a great experience :)



answers from Dallas on

You might check into FUMC Euless, right off of 183 and Main. I know a lot of people whose children have gone to their MDO or preschool program (MDO for 2 and under; preschool for 3 and up), and they've all had great things to say about it. I'm enrolling my own 3 year old there this fall for preschool, as a matter of fact. I believe they offer MDO on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 to 2, but I'm not 100% sure.



answers from Sacramento on

Call some local churches in your area, many sponsor the MDO's here.

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