Remembering raising my daughter (now 38), and currently being involved in my grandson's life (he's now 4), I was/am surprised and delighted to never have a day when I didn't fall into astonished love with them over and over. I'm wondering if a secondary question here is about how often you think "I can't stand this child." If that's your concern, I think every mom probably has occasional desperate moments where that feels at least partly true.
Still, I notice that I'm much more interested in your phrase "what is expected." As a result of much spiritual and emotional work in my 62 years, I'm learning that expectations are deadly. They keep us living in the past, where the expectation was born, and in a never-arriving future in which our expectations "might" be fulfilled. They block us from experiencing this moment in which we are living. They keep us from noticing that if life is not well-aligned with an expectation, it is perhaps the expectation that is the problem.
Thus, our expectations keep us rigid, inflexible, and unable to adapt, unable to fully appreciate the possibilities of THIS singular moment in our wild and precious lives. And expectations about parenting separate us from these new, unique and completely original people we have brought into the world.
Reality is so utterly, astoundingly amazing when we let go of all the "oughts" and "shoulds" that control our thinking. I'm not talking about a loss of knowing what's right or wrong. Letting go of what "ought to be" allows us to respond more fully to the actual needs of the moment, which seldom fit any mold constructed in our imaginations.
And, K., I really don't want to presume. This response may not be about you; if not, please just let it fly on by. I'm just guessing at what I would be really concerned about if I had asked your questions. So if you are troubled by a parent-child situation that doesn't seem to be working, I hope you'll read books, take parenting classes, get counseling. There are difficult children, there are difficult relationships, and there is almost always help if you are open to it. Blessings.