Some things that work for mild anxiety for me: chamomile tea, yoga, a good book, or getting out of the house.
I heard somewhere that we can't always control our emotions but we can control our thoughts. If you can change your thinking first, then the emotions will eventually follow. Your anxiety or fear is most likely based on a lie. You need to counter that lie with a truth.
For example, the other day I started to get anxiety when my husband was blasting heavy music while watching our son. I felt fear that this music would negatively affect my son. I was also afraid to say anything to my husband in fear of a conflict. I changed my thoughts by telling myself several times, "The music doesn't have bad lyrics and is not harming anything." and "I'm lucky to have a husband that is helping out". Eventually the anxiety faded away and I was able to enjoy the music and time with my family.
I also think it's important to share your feelings with a friend, family member or counselor. If you just internalize it, it wont just go away.
If you are a Christian, you may be interested in this program: HopeForTheHeart.org click on "broadcasts" and then "archives" there is a series on fear.
I hope this helps.