even if you have your period now it doesnt mean your in the clear.....I had my period until I was 8 and a half months pregnant. You need to be smart and get on the pill or the depo shot if you dont want to have a baby yet. Go get a test, set up an appt with plan parent hood, and no more sex for you until your protected:). Even though the guy is pulling out it doesnt protect you 100%, so use some protection it also helps to keep you from getting STD's. Be careful you only have one life. Your still trying to get on your feet and trying to make a life for you.
If your wanting to have a baby still do it the safe way, get tested and make sure your parter is tested for STD's. Plus make sure your doing it with a guy you love and make sure his not a dead beat dad, because you dont want to be a single mother taking care of a baby by yourself, its hard. I was a single mom for 12 years, and I think god everyday for helping me find such a wonderful husband that care for my kids as much as I do.
Again Take care of yourself and go get tested for both: a baby and std's.