Hi A.,
Congratulations on your upcoming twins. I have twin boys who will be 4 on June 16th. I remember so clearly the day I found out there were two, wow was I one scared mama! Four years later, I can honestly say it wasn't quite as hard as I made it out to be in my mind. That being said, I was fortunate that my first child (a girl) was about to be seven when the boys were born so what a big helper she was. I agree with the first mom that scheduling is very important. What one does, the other must do, too. Eat, sleep, wake, etc. Mine slept together until about 4 months when they would be all over each other and then they went to separate beds but still in the same room. That has worked well for my boys. Yes, there were times that one would be up for some reason in the night and would have to be moved to another room in the playpen so not to wake the other but those were rare occasions. Being four now, I couldn't imagine them not being in the same room together. Long story short, one of my twins nearly lost his life last Sept. to MRSA septic shock and spent over three months in the hospital. When he finally came home, he was so damaged that he had to learn to do almost everything all over again, including walking. His healthy brother did such a great job (some times in the middle of the night) letting me know when Bryce needed something. It would be so sweet to hear Gage running back to the room saying "It's ok buddy, mommy's coming". I never realized why God gave me two at one time until one became sick and the other gave him the push and encouragement to get better. I guess in the beginning I would just remind you that you can only do so much because there's only one of you. So if they both need to be fed and you can only do one, it's ok for the other to cry for a few minutes. Another twin mom told me that and I'm so glad she did otherwise I would have made myself crazy trying to keep both happy at the same time when my husband was at work or trying to sleep so he could work. Best wishes, it will be an exhausting blessing!