Hi C., if you are looking for a stay at home job, check out www.discoverlimu.com/jcarden.
The Limu Company is a great way to share a healthy superfuel drink with others and get paid for it. You can get healthy and wealthy at the same time.No selling, share Limu and teach others to share it.
Also, we have a great energy drink that is healthy and when you share it you make money. It's called Blu Frog Energy drink and you can learn about it at www.blufrogenergy.com/jcarden.
If you would like to hear about it first hand there is a meeting on Saturday the 14th of Mar in grand prairie. It is free and no sales pitch. There will be plenty of people there, distributors and guests. Just call me and I will let you know the details. This is a great company and you can make as much money as you want.
Hope to hear from you soon. Check out my websites and get in touch with me afterwards.
Thanks, J.