Have doctors do an ultrasound. I was about a month pregnant with my youngest son and my blood work showed up negative. I was almost 4 months pregnant before we found out. Hope things work out ok.
I have missed my period for almost 2 months. Last period was June 27, 20006. I have taken 4 home pregnancy test and each one has shown Negative. i've never been irregular and i'm not using any type of birth control. I'm also not under a lot of stress to even miss my period...any advice or has anyone been in a similar situation? b/c it has been showing negative i figured i did not need to see my gynecologist....let me know. Thanks!
Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I will call my doctor and set up an appointment!
I did go to the doctors to get a blood test...it came back negative. So i'm not pregnant. but i do have another doctors appt so check what else it may be. Thanks again for all your concern and advice.
Have doctors do an ultrasound. I was about a month pregnant with my youngest son and my blood work showed up negative. I was almost 4 months pregnant before we found out. Hope things work out ok.
I would definitly get a blood test from a doctor. Pregnancy test have been wrong. It will put you at ease to have a doctor tell you it's negative than keep wondering.
Hello S.. I am experiencing the same problem! I have missed my period and its almost been a month. I had this same problem back in January and my doctor ran some blood tests and figured out I had PCOS-Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. This is something that a lot of women are diagnosed with. What my doctor recommended was a precription to actually start my period and then I went on birth control to regulate it. I was on BC for a few months and then my husband and I decided to stop so we can have another baby. I had one period after gettting off the BC and now I haven't had one since. I have also taken multiple pregnancy tests and they have all been negative.I would recommend going to your doctor and see what they have to say. Some of the symptoms of PCOS is a missed or irregular period, higher levels of testestorne, growing facial hair, weight gain, and acne. The only symptoms that I had was my missed period though. There are treatments out there for PCOS and only your doctor can decide if that is what is going on. I know how stressful this is and maybe just the stress of missing a period is making your cycle irregular. I hope this helps and please let me know if you have any questions at all!
I saw that you went to the doctor and had a blood test that came back negative. I would wait a few weeks and go back to be tested again, just to make sure. I did 4 home pregnancy tests (all negative) then went to the doctor for a blood test (still negative), then I missed another period and took one more home test (this time it showed positive) so I went back to the doctor just to make sure...and was pg this time. I was almost 3 months before I had a positive result...and my mom was almost 6 months with me before any tests (other than an ultrasound) came back positive. Of course, it could still be something else, so you should still go back to your doctor to be checked anyway, but that was my experience. :)
I knew someone who missed three periods and took tests, went to the doctor and had them give her tests. They all came back negative. Finally they did some blood work and it came back positive she was in her fourth month of pregnancy. So if it were me, I would ask my doctor to do a blood test and then perhaps even an ultrasound to see what is going on. I hope all is okay. Keep me posted please. I will intend that whatever is perfect for you is what occurs. I was the opposite I had my period and was pregnant. I have been told by all of my doctors that I have ever had that no period is a good reason to be seen.
I've never had this happen unless I was pregnant but have heard others say that they had neg. home pregnancy tests even though they were pregnant. I would strongly recommend that you see your doctor to be sure there is nothing more serious going on. If there is and it is left untreated it might not be pretty. Seek medical help, the least they will say is it is nothing.
P.S. I also live in Mesa with an 8 year old, 7 year old and 3 year old
I would call your Dr. and tell them the situation they will probably want you to come in for a blood test and that will be the true tell, that way you can have peace of mind. Good luck! D.
Same thing happened to me. I finally went to see my doctor after 2 negative home pregnancy tests (I knew I was pregnant) and I was. My advice...don't listen to the home pregnancy tests, see your doctor.
If you've missed for 2 months, you should call your doc anyway. You could be pregnant, but it could be something else. To cover your bases, make the call!
Hi S.,
Since your periods are usually regular, it is a good idea
to make an appoinment to see you doctor. He or she will
probably repeat a pregnancy test, but they will also
evaluate you for other causes of irregular periods. Don't
worry as some women will skip periods due to changes in
their cycle, but it is always a good idea to be checked
by a physician. Many things can change a hormonal cycle,
you mentioned that your stress levels are low which is great.
Sometimes runners will skip periods, changes in the thyroid
can effect periods and there are many other medical changes
that can effect your cycle. You sound like a busy mom and
you want to do your best to take care of yourself, so it is a
good idea to see your doctor about the missed periods.
You are really lucky to be able to be a full time mom and
very wise to see that as a priority. Enjoy your family and take care of yourself.
Hello- I would definitely go see your doctor and receive a blood test, sooner than later- just so you know either way!! Hope this helps- Take care- L.
Hi S.,
My little boy will be 1 year old in a week and I have only had one period in the past 2 years. I have no other symptoms and I feel fine. Before he was born I kept taking tests and they were all coming back negative. I finally went to the doctor just to get checked out. I had blood work and ultrasounds and they discovered cysts. I was told that they would dissolve when I got pregnant and may or may not come back. They did and they come back after, I am assuming because I have not had periods since he was born. The biggest complication that I have found is that I do not know when I ovulate, so getting pregnant is an issue. I would mention this to your doctor on your next visit and in the mean time...enjoy one of the benefits of being a man! Low maintanence : )
Well if I was you I would consider a blood test which is the most accurate. My test with my daughter was neg for a few tests. I don't think you have to be under alot of stress, any stress can affect your periods. Also for the home test do you take them first thing in the morning? Thats the most accurate time.
Just from personal experience, I would go get checked anyway. You may not be pregnant but just going irregular all of a sudden can't be a good thing. I had my 2nd child last November and my periods have been off. After I had my first child I didn't have a period for 14 months.
What ever you end up finding out I am sure it will easy your mind.
Home pregnancy tests are not always reliable. When I missed my first period I took a pregnancy test and it said that I "might be" pregnant. It was the one where there's one line if you're not pregnant and two if you are, and for two weeks I assumed that I wasn't pregnant because there was one clear line and the teeniest tiniest hint of a second line. After that two weeks however I went and had a test done at a clinic and it turned out that I was actually pregnant. So if I were you I would have a more reliable test taken right away.
My best friend had the same situation and it turns out she was pregnant. She was even on the pill at the time. I would make an appointment with your doctor... it could be good news!
When my first daughter was seven months old, I missed my period. About two weeks went by and still no period. During that two week period I took three different pregnancy tests from most expensive to least expensive, different times of the day, different days of the week. Needless to say they all came out negative even though I was pregnant with my second child. If you still haven't started your period by the time you read this, I would strongly advise you to see your gyn, b/c your pregnancy hormone levels may not be high enough to detect by a urine test. Get a blood test to make sure. What have you got to lose? Better to know than to be in denial a find out later that you've been pregnant this whole time, right? Good luck!
I am wondering if you should go in and get a blood test, even though your home pregnancy's are negative. Have you missed 2 periods now or just one? If you miss another one it would probably be worth a phone call to your Dr. Sorry that is not much help!
Hi there! I went through similar circumstances with my second pregnancy. I took TONS of pregnancy tests in the first couple of months and even visited a pregnacy center. They all came back negative. But here I sit with my beutiful 18 mos old daughter! Sometimes you just have to trust your instincts. I would recommend going to your Dr. if you have one. Ask for a blood test, I believe they are more accurate. I finally had good luck with a First Response home test. There was supposed to be a line for 'positive' and it was SOOOO faint, but apparently a line is a line, so watch out for it. Going to your doctor is also important just in case the missed period is caused from something else going on. GOOD LUCK!!!!! ~K.
This happened to me, too several years ago. I was always very regular and then I was late and kept taking tests, but they were all neg. I went in thinking I might be pregnant, but the doc's test was neg also. I asked about a blood test because I knew they were more accurate, but she said the urine test was just as reliable. I asked her then where's my period if I'm not pregnant?!?! She sent me in for an ultrasound and it turned out to be an ovarian cyst. It ended up bursting on its own and I hadn't had the problem since. So I guess it could be that, or you could be pregnant. Good Luck, I hope it turns out in your favor.
Hi S.,
I agree with the rest of the posts, the only different thought I had was if you're still nursing? Sometimes that affects your periods. Good luck and keep us posted!
Take care!
Hi S.,
If missing a period is highly unusual for you, you may want to see your OB/GYN. There are numerous other causes for missing a period that you may want to rule out, including hormone imbalance, stress...I won't go into details at this point. Also, since you weren't using birth control, it's still possible that you are pregnant and for whatever reason you are not producing enough of the pregnancy hormone hCG. Either way a visit to your care provider might be a good idea. Let me know how it goes.
I would go see your OB right away anyway. Sometimes an ectopic pregnancy can cause this, or other disorders. It could even be an indication of a thyroid disorder!! Stress is almost never the actual cause of a missed period, doctors will use this as a very convenient excuse if you have no other symptoms.
Hi S., my name is C.. I was reading about your missed periods andit caught my attention. You said you have have taken several home pregnancy tests and they've all come up negative. I have what is called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrom(pcos), which means I have cysts that surround my ovaries.I have never had a regular period my whole life and wasn't aware of my medical condition until about 3yrs ago. My doctor has told me that this is very comon in woman and most of them aren't ever aware they have it. I'm not meaning to scare you in any way but if you have taken several tests and they are all negative there might be something else that is causing your missed periods.Good luck hope all turns out well!
See your doc! If you've always had a regular period, then this is abnormal for your body.
My sister had two negative home tests when she was pregnant with her third. Find out now, so if you are pregnant you can start receiving prenatal care, and if you aren't, you can find out what's going on.
Good luck. :)
I have exactly the same problem you are having. I have always been a little irregular, 2 weeks late to 3 months late. Stress does not help either. (I am always stressed it seems.) I talked to my gyno and he suggested that I stay on the pill and that seems to regulate my periods. You may want to contact your gyno, they can do a quick pregnancy test and if that is negative, they can give you a pill to bring back your period. (can't think of the name) This has happened to me several times. SO you are not alone!! Good luck to you, K.