I was almost a month late before my pregnancy finally registered on one of those home pregnancy tests.
Hello Mommies!!!
I am hoping to get your opinions. My last MP was Nov. 20th and I had no Idea I missed my MP untill 3 days after it was due, I took a test it was negitive, since then I have taken two additonal test both negitory. I was thinking I may be just skipping this month, but now my breasts are somewhat tender (not really though)and they are most certain swollen. I have been having headaches the past couple days, I feel like AF will be arriving with no arrival, and today I had gotten seriously emotional as in within five minutes I went from angry, to bawling, and laughing in between sobs, So my questions are 1. can HPT's get neg results? 2. if I'm not, if this is a phantom (or in my head) can it cause mood swings that bad? (and no it is not the past stress of Christmas, my favorite time of year, for some reason when it is that time of year I am at my happest, that is why I didn't notice I missed it, because it was not a concern of mine LOL).
I was almost a month late before my pregnancy finally registered on one of those home pregnancy tests.
I have heard of women not getting a positive urine hcg and actually being pregnant. My advice is to go to the doctor and get a serum hcg test (blood). Only way to be 100% positive.
B. Soodsma
Hi S.,
You should call your doc and get a blood test to confirm what is going on. This happened to me 10 years ago. I took 3 home pregnancy test that were negative and even the urine test at the doc office was neg; however they did a blood draw that said it was positive. That positive is now my 10 year old son.
Good luck!
The PT test could come back with a false neg, if it was too early. If you are not pregnant...have you ever had problems with ovarian cyst? I had my first one about 9 months ago. I had many symptoms of pregnancy. I took several PT's...all negative. Finally, I went to the MD and found out I had a cyst.
my friend was preggo w/her 3rd and she was 3 mos b/f she got a pos. hpt and a pos. blood draw! She just knew she was, and finally after her 1st trim. it showed up pos. Everyones's different!
I had 3 false negative hpt's with my second child. I finally had to see the dr. and the blood test was finally positive. Good luck and I hope you get the answers you want!
It could be that you're pregnant or it could be that you are about to miscarry. (If the latter is the case, don't despair! It's still great news that you can still get pregnant. I had two very early miscarriages between my daughter and my current pregnancy (4 months). My daughter is also three.)
If your period is very regular and always on time, I would make doctor's appointment to have a test done there.
Yes, home pregnancy tests can be wrong. When I was first pregnant with my son, I took an "early detection test" AFTER my period was due, and it came back negative. A week later, I did have a positive test.
Yes they can register negative. I did not know for 2 months that I was pregnant with my first born. I missed 2 periods with no positive tests. Was about to call the doc and I got a positive. I was everything you are describing in symptoms (my parents both thought I was preggo with the mood swings too). When I went to the doctor, my levels of HCG in my blood tests were normal, but for some reason not as high in my urine. You should call the doc, good luck!
With 3 of my pregnancies, I got a negative test result before I got a positive one - and I took them at a time they were supposed to be effective. Wait a couple of days and take one first thing in the morning when pee is more concentrated. Make sure to wait the full number of minutes on the package. Those tests aren't perfect.
Good luck,
Home Pregnancy Tests can be negative, for the first month after my missed period I tested negative.
You may have an ovarian cyst. I get one ever 3 months and I do miss a period and have similar pregnancy symptoms.
I would follow up with you OB-GYN to find out for sure. It may also be a hormone imbalance.