Mirena?? - Milwaukee,WI

Updated on May 10, 2010
C.V. asks from Milwaukee, WI
23 answers

Have any of you out there used Mirena as your form of birth control? I'm going in on Monday for my 6 week post baby check up and I'm pretty interested in using Mirena for birth control. I've only ever used the pill, but this would be easier and less expensive, ultimately, than using the pill. Also, it's safe for nursing, which I know not all methods are. Please share your opinions, good or bad, on your experience, as I've got to make a final decision pretty quickly. Thanks!

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So What Happened?

Thanks, everyone, for your honest responses! I definitely have had a lot to think about, and I think I'll end up doing the "mini pill" as they call it. I know what to expect and I've never had any issues with it. If my insurance covered the whole cost of the Mirena (rather than just 75%) I'd give it a try, but I'm not up for shelling out money right now (with all the birth bills) for something that may not work with me. Maybe down the road I'll give it a try, as it sounds like an ideal bc method if it works! You ladies are great! Thanks a lot!!

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answers from Fargo on

I had the Mirena put in after my daughter was born. I was on many different types of birth control and this is the BEST I have ever had! No forgetting, no maintenance, no nothing. It is a little painful getting it put in but hey, if you can go through child birth, it's a piece of cake :) I've had mine since November 2005 and have had no problems with it. I used to suffer from very heavy flow and painful cramps and they both have gone away since I had the Mirena put in. I loveit. I love it. I love it!

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answers from Janesville-Beloit on

I have had mine for almost 5 years and will have a new one put in in June. I LOVE it! I could not go back on the pill after my son was born because I got migraines from the hormones. No problems with hormones and the Mirena. It's great not to have to think about taking a pill every day or changing something every month (like with Nuva Ring... plus I had a friend get pregnant on the Nuva Ring). Can't say enough good stuff about Mirena!

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answers from Green Bay on

I have heard extreme answers going both ways. I personally used it after my daughter because I had the choice between the depo and the mirena. I chose the mirena because of the association between the depo and diabetes. There is a family history of diabetes. Anyways, I had it in not long at all and I started experiencing horrendous cramping, severe sugar cravings that could not be eased, and the biggest of all was that I had a period for all, but about a week out of the month. My doctor told me that it was normal during the initial adjustment period. After four months it was still that way. So I had it removed. I ended up getting cysts regularly after that. They thought I had polyovarian cystic disorder/syndrome. I eventually went on yaz because of the cysts. That seemed to regulate my system pretty well. I now am pregnant with my second daughter, which is supposed to be next to impossible if you actually have polyovarian cystic disorder/syndrome. I obviously don't have it, but I do feel that I would have ended up with it if I would have left the mirena for longer. If you research, I believe that there are major links between IUDs and infertility. This obviously was just my experience. Good luck with whatever you choose.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I had it put in at my 6 week post checkup after I had my baby which was almost a year and a half ago. I had a short period after I had it but have not had one since. I have to remind myself to check it every once in a while. My husband has never told me he could feel it during sex and I have never been able to either. I love not having to remember to take the pill every day. I also nursed, never a problem with that. Good luck.

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answers from Minneapolis on

This is the second time around with Mirena (I used it in between my two kids!)...and I really like it! I have had no problems with it. The second time around, I spotted almost every day for the first few months. Now, that never happens. It's very convenient!

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answers from Minneapolis on

I've had it since August and I like it. At first I bled for several weeks, which was annoying. But now I hardly get any period at all. It's nice to have birth control that you can just forget about.

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answers from Philadelphia on

Hi C.,
I have been using marena since September 2008. So far everything is going good. I havnt noticed any unusual side affects. When I first had the mirena insrted I had some cramping, but it was no more then the usual cramping and this lasted just for that day. So far, I do not recieve a normal period. I have no signs as to when it's coming:( no cramping or anything. When I do get my period it's close to nothing at all, some spotting that lasts about 2-3 days at the most. It's very convienent dont have to worry about taking a pill, or patch. good luck

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answers from Dallas on

i was on it for 3.5 years. it started out ok i didn't even have my period anymore. but during the time i was on it i had a couple yeast infections and 2 bacteria infections. i was told by the nurse that is wasn't from the Mirena but i beg to differ. i finally got it taken out and got pregnant almost immediately. another thing is that although my doc said my husband couldn't feel the string he claims he could. and it's a foreign object in your body so you can feel the pressure during sex. i can tell you now that it's out the sex is way better.

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answers from Minneapolis on

i know the mirena has worked for some people, but i had it put in at my 6 week check up. i cannot describe the pain i felt when it was inserted. it felt like she grabbed a hold of my uterus and was trying to yank it out of me. for the next 2 years, i had a lot of pain from it. especially if i had gas or needed to go #2. it would just about drop me to the floor it hurt so bad. i would get my period 2 times a month. one time, i got it 3 times a month and decided to have it removed. well they couldn't find the string. so i had an ultrasound. they still couldn't find it. then i had a cat scan and they found it behind my uterus. so...i had to have surgery to have it removed. i knew all of the risks when i got it put in, but really, how often does something bad happen?? i thought it wouldn't happen to me. now i am on yaz and couldn't be happier. i love it and i no longer have horrible pain. i only get my period once a month. it's wonderful. i would carefully consider the risks. because they suck big time. trust me. good luck!!

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answers from Bismarck on

Hi C.,
i had mirena place on april 26th.. and had to have it taken out 5 days later due to sever abdominal pain in my left side. They did an ultrasound to make sure it was in the correct place.. which is was but it was just irritating my uterus. I was bummed because i really wanted it to work! But it just wasnt for me. I would say, if your insurance pays for mirena to get put in (most dont) by all means try it. I have heard such great things about it and thats why i wanted to try it. Everyone is different you wont know until you try it. And dont let all the horror stories freak you out. You rarely every hear the good things about something. Good Luck!

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answers from Duluth on

in reality; the mirena saves you money compared to other birth control methods; after a year its "free" in comparison.

but it is unknown how each person will exactly react; though the mirena is pretty useful and doesnt cause reactions often; even i had a long time where i was spotty and then now that im having a long time with no periods; im ending up with regular cysts, which can cause some discomfort or even pain. :)
good luck in the future.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I've had mine for two or three years and I've been happy with it. I'm older (46) and done having kids so I don't have to worry about any future fertility issues. It hurt a lot more than I expected to have it inserted, but I have IBS so that probably intensified the pain. I bled for the first few months, but haven't really had normal periods since then, just some light spotting infrequently. No other side effects. I can't use the pill, patch or anything else like that because the hormones give me crazy side effects and very painful headaches. The hormones in the Mirena have not bothered me. I did not do well with the traditional IUD that I had previously--I had very heavy periods and severe cramping. I was looking into Essure or having my tubes tied, and my doctor talked me into the Mirena. So far it's been a good decision.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I love having it! I had my 1st one put in between baby #2 & baby #3. I had it in for almost 2.5 years with no problems. They did tell me when I had it put in to take ibuprofen before I go in because you can have some cramping. It was a little painful, but after just having a baby, it was a piece of cake :o)

I had it removed to try for baby #3 on December 31, 2008 - by February 7, 2009 I had a + pee test.

After baby #3 I had Mirena put back in and the side affects were a little different. I did bleed a lot more for a lot longer, but after about a month it did go away. Know I don't even know I have it in and when I am suppose to get my period. This time around my period did not entirely go away like it did the 1st time I still have a "spotty" period.

Overall I am very happy with our decision to use Mirena as our birth control -- I have never liked condoms and I hated trying to remember the pill. This way it is a lot cheaper too. I HAVE NEVER had any awful sexual feelings/pains but we are all different.

Good Luck with your decision!

PS because the hormones go right into your unterus you don't have the same up and down mood swings as you wood with the pill. (I love that part the most -- I am not horribly bitchy!!)

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answers from Madison on

I have been using Mirena for over a year and couldn't be happier. Not only is it covenient but on it, I hardly have any period symptoms. In fact, I barely notice when it is "that time of the month". Before getting it implanted, you have to show a negative pregnancy test. The procedure does hurt, I'm not going to lie, but it is totally worth it.
Hope this helps and good luck,

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answers from College Station on

I hated it! I had a miscarriage on it and bled almost 4 months sraight! I had horible pains and nausea.I had problems after it was out as well! I would suggest just looking at the actual website. Read and research thats all I can tell you. If you do get it I hope it works out better for you then me. I talked to my doc and for some reason I always fall in the little % on everything. I got pregnant on the pill twice and a lot of my symptoms I had with it were small percentials as well. I am one of the few who CAN not BF. Good luck and I hope all works out... Sorry to give you my bad experience but I wish someone would have given me theres instead of waiting till after my problems. I also have had a lot of friends who had a miscarriage on it, but my SIL had a good out come according to her IDK!

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answers from Minneapolis on

Every woman is different. My experience after the bith of my third child has been excellent. It has been 1 year now since I got it. Very light cycles, no PMS, no cramping, no mood swings.
It was slightly uncomfortable having the procedure but nothing like childbirth for me.
Check your insurance too through your clinic's business office if you have any questions on if or how it might be covered.
Personally, I love it.

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answers from Casper on

You have gotten a lot of feedback good and bad on this, but I feel like I have to add my story. I had my baby in Nov of 2007 and after about 10 weeks decided to have the Mirena placed as our form of birth control (in Feb of 2008). For the first month I was bleeding constantly and then it tapered off. I am one that should have benefitted from it as I normally have extremely heavy periods that last 7 days. After the first month I started having periods at the regular intervals (28 days or so), but they weren't normal periods for me. Instead of bleeding heavly for 7 days I now would bleed very lightly for 14 days. I thought that this was just a fluke and that once my body got used to it that it would regulate. After about 6 months it was still the same. I called the doc and she told me to give it a little while longer and see what would happen. As I was pleased with the fact that I wasn't taking a pill and that I didn't have to remember to put a condom on, I agreed and continued to wait and see what would happen. About 11 months after I had it orgianlly placed I started bleeding REALLY heavy. I was passing blood clots that would remind me of delivery a placenta (sorry if that is TMI, but that is what it felt like). I called the doctor and got into see her, but we couldn't determine what the problem was. She couldn't find the strings to the IUD, so she did an ultrasound and found it. After consulting with my husband before I had gone in, we had decided that we would just have her remove it while I was there checking on this abnormal bleeding. So she tried to remove it in the office and couldn't. She asked that I come back a couple of days later and try again, still with no luck. She couldn't get the strings and get it out. So I ended up having a D&C to have the IUD removed in Feb of 2009. Then after having the IUD removed we had decided that if the next baby would come, we would be pretty happy. Normally I am pretty fertile and it takes just a couple of months of not using birth control to get pregnant.....this time it was about 9 months before we concieved our next child. It wasn't until after having this experience that I noticed the company changed their commericals to included the possiblity that the IUD can attach to the uterus or go through the uterine wall. I wouldn't recommend having one, but that is based on my experience. You need to think about your family and health and make your decisions based on that too. Good luck.
J.--SAHM of 6 (soon to be 7 in July)

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answers from Portland on

I've had it for a year with no issues. I like it! I love not having to take a pill daily.

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answers from Columbus on

I got the Mirena over a year after my third child was born. I had some cramping the day it was put in, but that was it, and I had NO periods. That was awesome! However, 4 years later, I got pregnant. The Mirena had gotten wrapped up in the uterine tissue and I had to have a D&C to get it removed - which proved to be even more difficult, my doctor said. It was REALLY wrapped up. The pregnancy wasn't viable - my hcg levels never went up (actually going down). As I was going through all the blood tests for the pregnancy, etc. the staff at my OBGYN were freaking out, because they had never had a woman get pregnant with the Mirena - over half the staff were using it. So, I know it's not a very common thing, but it does happen. I did get pregnant after having it removed -about 9 months later.....definitely not planned, but apparently God wanted me to have another, because birth control just didn't work for us!! Anyway, if it weren't for the pregnancy, I would have kept the Mirena in - no side effects and no period. Like mentioned, everyone is different. It may work great for you, but it may also not be for you. You won't know until you try. Have you done any research on the Nuva Ring? If hubby hadn't had a vas., I would have been looking into that. Good luck!

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answers from Omaha on

I strongly recommend against the Mirena. I think you need to research about how it works in your body. It's job is to irritate the lining of the uterus. If you read the insert it recommends that the woman getting it have at least one baby. Why is this, you ask? Because it can cause permanent infertility!!! So, if you want more children, then I suggest you NOT get this. Sure, your doctor will probably tell you that the chance of this happening is low, but he's not the one getting it, you are. Please, do NOT get it.

I highly recommend you get a hold of a book called "Taking Charge of Your Fertility". It's empowering to be in control of your own fertility and not be managed by drugs, devices and doctors! Please do your research!

Are you aware that the "Pill" is the only drug manufactured to fix something that isn't broken??? Why would we put a drug in our body to stop it from working properly! Would you ever take a drug that made your heart or kidneys work differently than they're supposed too? NO Way!! So, why do we women do this with our uterus and ovaries?? It's not healthy.

I'm a nurse and have seen patients with blood clots and strokes from the pill, these are YOUNG patients, in their 20's. I've also seen women suffer from side effects of IUD.

From one woman to another, please empower yourself and learn about how your body works and control it yourself.

Good luck!

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answers from Fort Wayne on

so far i love it. i had it put in back in aug and have had no problems. i had very little bleeding. the weight part i am experincing which sucks but my hubby is loving my curves so im not too worried about it. we are talking about having it removed to try for baby #2. as for the implanting it was uncomforable but it was only for about 5 minutes, well worth it i went shopping afterwards. you wont be disappointed.

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answers from Raleigh on

I may be the minority, but I hated my Mirena. I put on weight and was unable to take it off, my face broke out like nothing else, I never knew when I might have breakthrough bleeding, and I felt much more tired while on it. As soon as I stopped using it, I lost 10 lbs, my face cleared up, I got back on schedule and my energy levels increased. My OB-GYN swears there is no reality to this, but I have had other moms tell me similar things happened to them to. I used it for over 2 years, had it removed, and will never use it again! Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, but I really wouldn't recommend it.

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answers from Omaha on

I've been nursing for nearly 6 months with this thing in. I'm told it was one of the best options so I went for it. It's fine now... But when I first got it well it was a nightmare.

I bled for the longest time. I think it was 3 months after I got it put in. Wore a pad every stinkin day!! I hated it. All I could think was what the f**k! So I went to my doctor and he said that was normal and it could go on for 6 months and then come and go. He said the positive was eventually most lose their periods completely. As if that makes me happy then.

Well I've stopped bleeding and it's fine now. I haven't had a period since all the bleeding but have had PMS type symptoms here and there. I'm still out on if I'd get it again or not. The bleeding was annoying at the least at first. I had to wear panty liners for the last few months of pregnancy. Huge pads for the 6 weeks after delivery... then pads till the damn Mirena stoped making me bleed. So yeah annoying.

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