The best outcomes, based on gold-standard research studies, for midwife-attended births in hospitals, homes or birth centers are those with midwives who have extensive medical training and current skills up to date (very, very important). The licensing and accountability of midwives IS important if you want the best outcome for you and your baby. With most healthy, low-risk pregnant women things can go fine with a midwife with minimal training. The problems is that those midwives don't know what they don't know. Also, with a healthy, low-risk pregnancy unforeseen problems can arise that without someone properly trained with current skills up-to-date to handle it properly the results can be deadly. And not having malpractice insurance? Ludicrous! There is no provision for financial help for you or your baby if malpractice occurs. That seems very unfair. That being said, I know couples who choose to have the father deliver the baby without any medical practitioner around. One woman almost died this way. Another woman had two lovely, uneventful happy births this way. So, people's philosophies differ and their outcomes differ. I can't be on the side that would favor less regulation, though, because there are too many risks and horrendous outcomes that could have been avoided. And, those "home birth horror stories" should not be dismissed too quickly, either. This is also true of horrible hospital births. Much can be learned from those bad outcomes in both places and changes can be made to improve all outcomes. Not being too deeply entrenched in one philosophy or another seems important in affecting any positive change so that unnecessary deaths don't occur.