Dear Husband,
I would love it if you'd touch me, hug me, kiss me, hold me at times OTHER than when you want sex. Please hold my hand. Please cuddle with me. Trust me, It'll make me feel so loved that I'll want to jump on you later that day.
I just got an offer to be the female voice in a book based on the fairer sexes point of view in a relationship!!
So, if there was ONE THING that hasn't 'clicked' with your husband that you'd love for all of man kind to hear, what would it be?
(Don't worry, I give credit where credit it due)
Is it spending more family time? Cleaning up after himself? Being more emotionally supportive of your feeling?
Dear Husband,
I would love it if you'd touch me, hug me, kiss me, hold me at times OTHER than when you want sex. Please hold my hand. Please cuddle with me. Trust me, It'll make me feel so loved that I'll want to jump on you later that day.
My husband is great about helping out and doing things, but I really wish he didn't have to be asked or told that I need help. I wish men had the sense to see that their partener needs them to change the baby, help with dinner, clean up the table, sweep the floor, get gas in the car, etc. without it being pointed out.
How about something simple like... ohhh... sayyyyy:
Not leaving your dirty clothes scattered around like you did when you were a kid, and maybe figure out how to close a cabinet door or drawer after you've opened one.
I guess that fits in the "cleaning up after himself" category. But it really isn't even cleaning! It's just NOT leaving obvious things undone. I mean, how difficult is it that when you OPEN a cabinet/drawer, that you CLOSE it when you have gotten out whatever you went there for? My kids can do this. Why can't grown men?? And it just looks so SLOPPY. Are men really that oblivious to how trashy it makes everything look when 2 kitchen cabinet doors are open and the drawers aren't closed on the dresser?? But yet, he can close the door to the front load washing machine (that needs to be left open so it will dry inside and not mildew) EVERY time he walks past!! :((
ETA: Ok. Upon further thought, I think I can sum it up nicely for all of us:
Here it is:
Dear Husband, when you hear your wife fussing at your children about something, teaching them manners and how to clean up behind themselves, she is talking to YOU, not the kids. Listen up and set a good example for your kids, don't show them what NOT to do.
When I am 'sick' I would like to be treated the same way I treat & take care of him when he is ill.
1. Don't let me lay there in misery while you sit next to me playing video poker on your laptop while the house goes to hell!
2. Don't ask me what to fix for the kidz dinner, if there is nothing on hand to cook take the kidz out to Mc's or pizza.
3. Don't expect the kidz to magically not fight, do their HW, feed the animals, clean their rooms...yes, I KNOW there is a chore chart...yes, I KNOW that they KNOW the animals need to be fed, the dishes need to be washed & the bedrooms don't clean themselves!...your fighting with them on TOP of their arguing does NOTHING for my blasting head!
Enjoy your new venture, it sounds like fun!
Dear Husband,
There is a reason why when we go to the store with our active toddler I come home exhausted and you don't. The reason is why you are off in your own little world I am the one keeping her in line. Just once I would like to be the one shopping and looking around as opposed to "Don't touch that, stop running, No, I dont know that persons name, Honey ask WHO is that not WHAT is that."
Dear Husband,
Dont come home, spend all night on the computer/phone or watching tv, barely say a few words to me then expect me to be "in the mood" when the lights go out. So not going to happen.
Oh and congratulations!
I only get one? Do you KNOW me R.??? I have an embarssingly long list.... but here are 2.
1) Don't tell me what you think I want to hear. I make sacrifices and choices based on what you tell me you want. If that's NOT what you want, dear god, don't say it is! And when you DO tell me what you really want, remember: Honesty and tact are not mutually exclusive.
2) Hint: Once you've had kids... You're not ready to go unless everyone else is also ready to go. Do not sit down until all children are in the car and the house is locked. THEN you are ready to go. It's not longer am "I" ready. It's are "we" ready. Your wife can take care of herself, you can take care of yourself, but the kids need help. A LOT of help. Until they're strapped in and anything forgotten has been brought out NO ONE is "ready".
Dear Husband,
Have you ever stopped to really examine, and measure if necessary, that the distance from the sink and/or counter-top, where you place your dirty dish, mug, glass, spoon or fork is less than 18" from the dishwasher?
Your ever-loving wife
How about...if you are going to complain about things that the children do that drive you crazy, please make a note to self to not do those things yourself.
if you see something out of place and it drives you crazy, it is perfectly fine and helpful for you to move it back to its proper location. It is not so acceptable nor helpful to fuss about it.
If you don't like how something is done, please feel free to do it yourself :) this is mostly applicable to cleaning and minor details most of the world doesn't care about.
If you choose to stay up until 2 in the morning watching that cool movie, please remember that is a choice and doesn't automatically mean you get to sleep until noon that next morning.
I sound so nice and easygoing, don't I. Sigh. Good luck and congrats :)
Stop being defensive about his effed up waffles! Just kidding but he better clean that darn machine.
Sorry that was the best I can do and I am too lazy to type everything that I would love to say to my ex. :p
Dear husband,
Why do you have to move the dirty plate out of the way for the new one.. Why can't you toss it in the garbage? Please toss garbage out when you see it.
You wife.. not MOTHER
When I'm crying don't pretend I'm not and don't avoid me and quit looking at me like a deer caught in headlights! Hold my hand, rub my back, hold me, and just listen. You don't have to fix the problem just be there for me and quit being so awkward about it!
1. Don't stay late at work "working" b/c you don't want to come home and deal with the kids. I'm on to you! I worked all day too and am now cleaning, cooking and dealing with the kids - get home and do your share!
2. Spend some time with us as a family - don't make me always look like a single parent when invited to kid friendly events b/c you don't necessarily like what we are doing.
3. Don't yell at the children for playing/making too much noise - they are children after all!
4. MOST IMPORTANTLY - do not make me tell (nag) you about helping out around the house, with the kids, etc. I am not your mother, I am your wife - I should not have to TELL you what needs to be done. You see the unfolded laundry...get to it!
my answer..
i just want to take the time to say,
"THANK YOU", to all the guys that feel unappreciated whether they..
squash bugs on request
check for monsters under the bed(or on the phone or even the computer)
deliver their own baby in a bathroom during a snowstorm
hang shutters
lose custody of their kid(s) because they dont have the money
hand over the remote and let you change channels
K. h.
This past Christmas my husband surprised me by shopping for the gifts and wrapping them, too. Okay, he had "use it or lose it" leave and had Fridays off since October, but still he did it! I'm trying to figure out how to encourage this behavior (other than the obvious) because I'd really like it for it to continue throughout the year. It is impossible to fix dinner and help the daughter with her homework at the same time, then have to clean up, too. Often he parks his posterior on the and reads while I'm trying to do fifteen things at the same time, and it drives me crazy because I can't stop to tell him what I want.
Oh, he folded laundry for me on Christmas, because the sheets were laying on the bed. He did a great folding job! Just being more aware of the needs of your household would keep more marriages together!
You know, I could write a lot in here.
Truth be told though, my husband is pretty great. See some of my older posts and you'll see we've had some big issues, but for the things that matter, he's the best. And he also tries harder than anyone I know to make the big life changes.
I haven't seen anyone change so much ever, and all of it for the better.
So sure, while I'd love for him to clean up after himself, load his dishes, see something needs done and just do it, etc...it's important to remember all of the good things our guys do too :).
Congrats on your role!
All of mankind can hear the message-it doesn't mean they will listen or care