Hi C.,
What area are you specifically thinking about? We live in the M Streets on Vanderbilt Avenue (off of Lower Greenville at Stans and Blue Goose). This is a fabulous neighborhood for kids. There have been 4 baby boys born on my block alone since November when I had my little boy. The neighborhood is full of children and from what I hear the Stonewall Jackson Elementary school is great. We have lived here for 5 years and have never had any safety issues. We have an off duty police officer who patrols the neighborhood as well as a wonderful active neighborhood association that plans lots of kid friendly activities. Let me know if you have any other questions if this is near the area you are looking for. I think we have so much more character in terms of homes than Plano (I used to work up there) and I would never leave except I think we might eventually out grow our house with baby # 2.