I feel like when we enter a relationship we set some part of our self aside, and then when we become a mom we sacrifice another part to be the mom we feel our kids need. If we are blessed enough to have another child, then another part we must let go of, and so too with a career.
I think it is possible to reclaim these pieces of our selves and to celebrate our true person, I just think that to some extent we forget what that feels like.
I know that when my friends end relationships I often recommend that they go back and listen to the music that they used to listen to before the relationship. Usually the other person does not like your total collection, and this simple act of listening to music you have lost touch with can be revitalizing.
I am feeling very over whelmed myself right now. I work two part time jobs, have a six month old that comes with me, and I try to keep the house clean too, when it is possible. My husband is very supportive but not very helpful.
I am seeing in the other responses that other women feel the same way. I would like to propose that we have a day in the not so distant future when we leave the kids with the dads (those of us with partners) and have gatherings in every part of the valley where the moms who need to meet up can. One day to make the face to face connections that this forum can not provide.
If anyone else is interested, email me and I will do my best to organize something.