Hi Andrea,
I glanced over a lot of the responses, at from what I could tell, they all looked pretty good. Sometimes we're more concerned about weight than what we're eating. Weight is not the issue, but diet (what you're eating, NOT trying to lose). I highly, highly, highly recommend looking up the Brewer Diet. The fact that you had placenta previa the first time tells me that you did not have an adequate diet during your first pregnancy. (Some doctors may debate this, but from experience, poor diet is the leading cause of the majority of health problems in pregnancy--and the Brewer Diet has a long-term, proven track record). You especially need adequate protein (80-120 grams/day), whole grains, fruits and veggies plus water during your first trimester especially because you need the amino acids as the building blocks to create a healty, strong placenta (a powerful new organ) and your baby. This is foundational for the rest of the pregnancy. The Brewer Diet can be bought in book form or go to <blueribbonbaby.org> to get diet details and great recipes and food ideas. Also, I add to the advice that you get on a good prenatal vitamin (find one at your local Whole Foods,etc) and folic acid too. Also, with your sciatica, go to spinningbabies.com/org for proper posture during pregnancy. Remember this: knees are always lower than hips and belly is always lower than spine. This will put and keep the baby in proper position. If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me.
Best of luck!