Hi C.,
Why don't you try an exercise class where you can bring your baby with you like Baby Boot Camp or another postpartum exercise program? You will meet other moms that are going through the same thing you are. No one will be judging you since they are all in the same situation you are or at least similar. The classes are scheduled around a mom's schedule.
I don't believe in dieting at all. Diets don't work. Do you know that we made up a new meaning for the word diet? Diet used to mean the food that we eat, but now it means something totally different. There is no need to diet. Just eat right and get exercise whenever you can. Eating right means eating 5-6 small meals rather than 3 big ones and a few small snacks. Eat a fruit or veggie at every meal. Drink lots of water (cut out the calorie loaded soft drinks). Think about it this way, if you cut out two glasses of soda or iced tea a day you can cut anywhere from 200-400 calories from your diet depending on how big of a glass you are drinking. If you add exercise to that you can burn off a pound of fat a week.
That leads me to the next thing. Do not crash diet. You should only lose about a pound to a pound and a half a week. Lose too much too fast and your going to lose muscle (there is no getting around this). If you lose muscle you lower your metabolism and make it that much harder to lose more weight (fatty tissue) and keep it off. Diets will help you lose weight but when it's lean muscle that you are losing you are only sabotaging yourself.
Eat regularly, don't let yourself get hungry. Never, never, never. Keep snacks with you at all times (preferably fruits and veggies but crackers, trail mix, etc will work too). Just keep and eye on your calorie count per meal. Most people tend to eat the same size meal and eat 5 or 6 times a day, that is not what you want to do. 5 or 6 smaller meals, which means cutting breakfast, lunch and dinner down and bulking up the snacks a little. Eat every two to three hours. The key is consistency, don't worry if you miss a meal but just get right back on track. You will notice if you miss a meal that you will eat too much at your next meal. Try to avoid this as much as possible. I found that starting with filling fruits or veggies helped to curb my appetite when this happened and kept me from pigging out. And remember exercise is important too, check out www.babybootcamp.com. Resistance/Strength training will also help boost your metabolism. Good luck, I hope this helps.