I live in Frisco of off 121 and Custer. I have a 6 yr old and a 4yr old, and am looking for someone to watch my kids over the summer.. I have my son in the YMCA , but woould concider taking him out to be with a good nannie. I really only need someone to watch them on M,W, and F, from around 8:30 to 3:00. I have no problem if she brings her daughter. I live in Hunters Creek sub. and there are TONZ of kids to play with. I live across the street to the pool, and the park is in the lot two down from my house so they will always have things to do. I also know i could find someone in the same neighborhood that would love to use her on T and TH. Let me know what you think. Also does she baby sit??
Thanks for the help