Hi, I would like to recommend Primrose, if you have one anywhere near you. I had my oldest in one in Rockwall about 7-8 years ago, and my 5 year-old in the one in Mansfield about 3 years ago, and currently have my 1 year-old in the Mansfield Primrose. I have loved both of them, and don't have any complaints. All 3 boys love them, and the teachers they provide. There are never fewer than 2 adults in the Early Preschool room, and usually 3. It's clean, the kids are taught beginning at 8:30 a.m. My 5 year-old knew all his colors, could count to 20, and sing the alphabet song before he was 2. My 1 year-old has only been there for about a month, but I have noticed a big jump in his vocabulary, and his color recognition. They'll even potty train your child for you when he's ready, if you can follow through at home. Loved that! :0) Hope this helps!