Looking for Exceptional Family Photographer

Updated on March 03, 2007
N.C. asks from Peoria, AZ
6 answers

Anyone know of a good photographer that will let you take your photos on CD? I've heard of this before but have lost the information that was given to me. I heard of a gal out of Surprise (Diane?) that would do this. Anyone know? Thank you! Your suggestions are appreciated.

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answers from Phoenix on

My family uses Photography by Amy. She does studio type portraits out of her home or will go to different locations. She is wonderful! ###-###-####

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answers from Phoenix on

If you are looking for a studio I like Portrait Inovations takes alot of photos (around 30+) which gives you alot of variety. They are taken by digital camera (which is great with little ones-they can get alot of different angles.) When you are done they put them on the screen and you choose the ones you want. You can get them in black and white or sepia or special effects for no charge. When you pick a pose you get 3 sheets ( you pick the size ) With a 3 pose (9 sheets) package you get a free 10x13 and you cd with all the pose they took. I think that package runs around $60.00. They print them while you wait. I like it because you have a large variety of photos to choose from. Also I like to scrapbook so with the CD I print out some of the candid ones and they make cute scrapbook pages.

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answers from Phoenix on

Hi N.,

I use John Damasco. He has his own business - Damasco Productions - ###-###-####. He is AWESOME!!!

I found out about him from my 2 yr old daughter's swim instructor. He does swim cd's of the kids learning how to swim and he puts it to music. I loved the swim cd so much that I hired him to shoot my mom's 80th birthday party. Needless to say that every member of my family cried when they watched the cd as it was done so perfectly and the music he incorporated was incredible - we gave him suggestions and then he used his choices as well. Every picture on the cd was incredible. Smiles, moods, expressions were all captured to truly reflect the joy and happiness of the occasion.

He is great with kids - we had several kids at the party and all the photos of the kids were incredible - great and natural smiles - twinkling eyes etc.

He is now my ONLY photographer.

He does wonderful work.

He lives in Vistancia but does travel around and will take photos whereever you like - if you have a favorite park etc he will go there. You are really involved in the process.

Good luck.


p.s. he will also print photos for you if you want.



answers from Phoenix on

Hi! I am a photographer. My website is under construction but I have a site where I have uploaded some of my recent sessions www.dreamphotographystudio.photoreflect.com. I specialise in natural lighting on location portraiture of children. IF you send me your email address I would be happy to send you a price sheet :) I also have a myspace page if you are interested in seeing more pics...



answers from Phoenix on

My boyfriend is a photographer, check out his website at: www.mobilcams.net He does great work. He doesn't have any backrounds yet, but he charges a great price. You won't find a better price. contact him by e-mail at ____@____.com



answers from Phoenix on

My husband David is a professional photographer....check him out. www.vanrensburgphoto.com

Good luck.

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