My daughter is 11 months and has been eating what we do since about 9 months. At that age throwing everything is normal. My daughter does it to and so did my son. Yes it is very annoying but they are learning and it is a fun game to them. I just pick it up as say no no. I try not to laugh to much because then its more of a game. Your lil one will out grow it soon enough and you will miss that stage. My daughter also likes to spit her water out of her sippy cup. Now that i really dislike!! I also work full time and only have 2 hours a night with the baby before she is in bed. It is hard but i just make sure to spend as much time with her as i can at least a half hour to an hour of play time and then finish other things after she is in bed or after both kids are in bed (i have a 3 yo son to). I know she gets to play a lot at daycare and i spend all weekend with them. You are not a bad mom for leaving him. You need to provide for him and most people both parents have to work just to get by and put food on the table. He will be just fine!!