Where side of town are you on?
Hi I'm a first time mom of twin boys who are 9months now, and I was lookin for a playgroup so my 2 little ones can play and ineract with other babies. I'm a SAHM and really don't have any friends with kids and my brothers kids are older and they don't attend daycare so I just would like a regular playgroup that meets up a couple of times a month hopefully one that has mothers of twins and multi. I live on the westside of town but willing to drive to other parts of town.
Where side of town are you on?
where exactly to you live
I am starting one up, especially for young moms (I'm 25). I have 7, 4 and 1 y/o boys and there are a lot of moms with kids the same age or close to your sons. Email me at ____@____.com and hopefully we can work something out. I have a lot of ideas and am hoping to get a close group of moms together.
I am a organizer of a playgroup in the westside-orangepark area. We always have so much fun as well as our kids.There are quite a few children the same age as yours. Here is the web address if you are intersted- http://sahp.meetup.com/46/