I had my son at Arnold Palmer in 2005, they are no longer doing deliveries as that has moved to Winnie Palmer next door. I can tell you that the staff at this hospital is incredible. I went there as a high risk, not to the baby but to me. In the end he was very sick and was in the NICU, they are INCREDIBLE with the babies. They have the best staff and the Dr's saved his life twice. I don't think he would be here if not for them.
Winnie Palmer is where they do the deliveries now. I have not delivered there but was in there for surgery and found it to be very high tech and up to date. This hospital is brand new, I loved it. As far as Cesearan rates, I questioned that and was told that the high Ceserean rate is due to the high number of high risk mothers. Many of them do not have the option of vaginal delivery. I can tell you that I was in natuaral labor for 92 hours, and although they offered the option they did not push me when I turned it down. It was MY decision. As long as neither I nor the baby were in distress they allowed me to decide what to do without question.
Hope this helps.
T. R.