I feel you pain. My daughter was never a good sleeper either. For her it was because of food allergies. (By the way, no doctor ever told us our daughter had allergies...we had to figure that out on our own.) I also heard from many (but I never asked them) that I HAD to let her cry it out. But I knew, no matter how exhausted I was, that my daughter was crying out in pain and that she needed me. Once we figured out her allergies better, she started to sleep through the night whenever we got it right. Now at 3.5 she's had some allergy treatments and we're trying to figure out what food are ok for her now, and whether she sleeps through the night is the best indicator of that. I'm not saying your son has allergies, and I'm not saying you should not cry it out, but you DO need to trust your gut as a mom. If you think cry it out might work, please use a plan from a book so you're not making it up as you go, and don't let him cry for hours on end. It just won't work for some kids because of their personality, and it won't work if it's something physical waking him up. There are books with kinder methods too (the no cry sleep solution). Please beware of people who tell you what you MUST or MUST NOT do. I know that can mess with your head when your are sleep deprived, it did with mine. You must only do what your heart says. I heard that I was spoiling my daughter...that she'd be clingy etc. I did whatever she needed for sleep etc, and she's the most amazing and confident kid I know. Good luck