My daughter throws on leggings under my granddaughter's pants when she needs a little extra warmth. It's easy and don't cost a thing since she always owns leggings.
I used to buy my 8 year old daughter lined pants and jeans from Old Navy for the winter. I haven't seen any online, and I haven't been in any children's stores lately. Does anyone have any recommendations on where I can find some. She is a size 5 or 6, and is very skinny. Thanks a lot!
Thanks everyone! The LL Bean jeans look like they'll be way too baggy on my daughter, but the leggings under the jeans sound like a great idea!
My daughter throws on leggings under my granddaughter's pants when she needs a little extra warmth. It's easy and don't cost a thing since she always owns leggings.
Have you tried Lands End, or LL Bean?
Good question. I never buy lined pants and I live much farther North. Might have to look into it. We just wing it in jeans all winter, even in 30 degrees.
Looks like LL Bean has some ...
My DD has some from Osh Kosh.