I would call and get an appointment for a test, better to be sure and safe....esp. after 3 miscarriages....Good Luck and go with your gut. Call the Dr's office
hello again everyone. heres my problem.... the first day of my last period was April, 29 2007. well for the last week or so, i have been having morning sickness, headaches,backaches, sore breasts,goin to the bathroom alot and all that other good stuff. well i looked it up on the comp, on one of those pregnancy due date deals, and it says i would be 5 weeks today (6-3-07). i took a pregnancy test and it came back negative. my question is, how long should you wait, should i call and make a doc appt. if feel stupid goin in and sayin " oh yeah i must be pregnant" then have them look at my funny lol. with my first daughter, i had that feeling where i KNEW something was goin on, i took the test and it was positive. this time i have that same feeling and symptoms but the test is negative. me and my husband have been trying for awhile to have a baby, and after 3 miscarriages, i just want to know NOW if i am or not lol. well if anyone has any ideas or could help..let me know...THANKS :-)
well i did go to the docs. i am 7 weeks pregnant today. i have been for 2 sonograms already and on bedrest for a week. i had a very low HCG level in the begining so the doc put me on bedrest then i had to go back a week later and do more blood work and my levels were great. so im doing good, im due Feb 20,2008 but the doc wants to do a planned c-section a week before. so now i have 3 days i can choose from to have the baby, feb 13,14 or 15th lol. so now the question is, v-day baby or not. ...thanks for all your help:-)
I would call and get an appointment for a test, better to be sure and safe....esp. after 3 miscarriages....Good Luck and go with your gut. Call the Dr's office
i didn't find out i was pregnant until i was 11 weeks but i am sure you can find out sooner figure out when your missed period would have started and wait 2 weeks after that then the test should be able to pick up the hormone or you could always go to your doctor express your concern and see if they can give you a blood test which are far more accurate
I would buy one more home test (you've only taken one right? and get a different brand), and if that still comes up negative, give yourself another week, then go to the doc. If it's positive then you definately have a good reason to go to the doc.
It took me over 4 or 5 weeks to show on any kind of test when I was pregnant. At least.
With your history, I think I'd go to the dr and get a blood test.. if you feel you are pregnent and have low enough HCG levels a dr's care may be best.
A woman knows.. I knew both times I was pregnant! So trust your instincts and get it checked out!
if you're late and think you're pregnant i would definitely make a doctor's appointment. There are lots of pregnancies that don't show up positive on the home pregnancy tests until much much later in the pregnancy... but a blood test would be able to confirm it for you! I'm sure they wouldn't look at you funny!! (and if they do you need a new doctor!!)
So let me say congrats in advance!! My husband and i have been trying to get pregnant for a while, and i think my "evil litte friend" (aka. my period) is on her way in the next few days :(
Good luck!!!
As far as I know, you can take the test a day or two after your missed period start date. If it's still coming up negative by now, I'd go see your doctor. It might be something else going on and you don't want to wait. Good luck.
I went through the same thing with my last child. I took 2 home tests that came back no. Then i went to the drs. 4 times and they were still coming back no. So i finally went to a dr. in liverpool. They did a test and it came back yes but fant lines. So they did a blood count and it said i was. So they did blood count again and it was going up. So they finally did a internal sono and i was 8 weeks by the time i actually found out for sure i was. So i would go the drs. and explain to them, and tell them you want the best test out there to find out. There is no since of going through what i went through. Its crazy. I really thought i had cancer or something because nobody could seem to figure out what was going on with me, until i went to the dr. in liverpool. Her name was Kathy Berry. She was great. Let me know what happens.
if i were you I would make an appointment to see your doc. I have t children with my first i had all the symptoms the seconed i had nothing, Preg, tests arent allways right and the only way to really be sure is to see the doc,
Don't feel stupid about anything. The doctor won't think your stupid either way. It's best to go in and get checked as soon as possible, esp. since you've had miscarriages. They will give you a test at the doctors and find out for sure. You could even have other problems that need to be addressed, if it's not pregnancy. You can't always rely on a home test, they are not 100% accurate.
Call your doctor, it wouldn't hurt to get double checked as it is still early on the home test (at the worst you can put your mind at ease (which as I learned from my early trying and testing may make the difference).
I know when I was trying and really wanted a positive reading, I actually gave my body the symptoms of pregnancy (morning sickness, headaches, having to pee more often), I even threw my period off with the anticipation of a pregnancy (I went 42 days w/o a period -I'm normally ~30days)!
My mother in law got me fed up, saying it was just nerves, so I finally said "FINE," I figured I'd just ignore everything and wait a few months (while trying all the same), then check. I put it all out of my mind. Well wouldn't you know- I got sick at night about a month later blamed it on overeating, felt crummy the following day. The second day my husband joked maybe I was pregnant. I checked the following morning and BINGO! YEA! - Good luck to you!
go to your dr and DEMAND a blood test. preg tests arent as great as they claim (i have seen atleast 3 posts on this site about false negatives) if you have low levels it can be up to 2/3 months before you know for sure.
I say get blood work done, go with your gut feeling, and let us all know how it turns out.
Call your Doctor for a couple of reasons.. 1) Those urine pregnancy tests can give you a false negative result.. 2) If you are not pregnant, there may be something else wrong. That is the best advise that I can give you.
Absolutely make an appointment. With your history they should consider you "hgh risk" so it's just the smart thing to do and no one will think you're nuts. There must be a reason for how you feel, go check it out...fingers crossed here.