Please thank your husband for his services and sacrifices to our country...very much appreciated!!!
He is picking on your stress and playing on's called manipulation. Instead of fretting over this - be HAPPY!!! BE EXCITED!!! He's starting a new thing and it's EXCITING!!! YOU NEED TO BE HAPPY ABOUT IT TOO!!!
The appointment Tuesday will be fine. PRIVATELY you need to let the teacher know about your family - deployed husband, never been away from you, etc. it always helps the teacher when they are informed...
STOP FEARING!!! Please! I know it's sounds so easy...instead of fearing this change - seriously -take a deep breath and stop making this hard! BREATHE!!! BE HAPPY! BE EXCITED!!! Think of the TV commercial for Office Depot and the parents riding around on the carts singing "it's the most wonderful time of the year!!!" If you are happy and excited - he will too! If you are a nervous nelly - he will pick up on that, play on it and manipulate you to get his way...
If at school he starts crying - tell him "it's okay - I'll miss you but I will be here at X time to pick you up. And Johnny is right down the will be GREAT!! I love you!!" and LEAVE!! Do NOT look back. DO NOT give one last hug - LEAVE!! Let the teacher take over and go...yeah - you'll want to cry in the car - this is your last baby and it's a HUGE milestone....just think of all the crying you'll do at his high school graduation...sooooo....stand up straight - smile - a REAL smile and think "it's the most wonderful time of the year!!"