my brother had the same problem in his early years of school.... he wouldn't pay attention and pretend like he was staring into space. His problem was, he was bored, and he could do all the work that was asked of him even though to everyone else he didn't seem like he was paying attention. If it's possible where you are, have him tested to see if he's in the right level in school. some kids are smarter than others and your son may just need to be challenged more and if he can do his homework with out paying attention in class, then he may need to be in a class that is ahead of where he is. the higher the grades go, there are more options for kids who are smarter and faster learners than others. My son is 3 and i think that he may have that kind of trouble when he gets to kindergargen. Don't think of it as a bad thing, you have a smart child :) he could be a future doctor or lawyer :) ya never know :)