I am a Mary Kay consultant and love it. The most important think to remember is You Must Believe to Achieve. I can, I will, I Believe. Without that you with fill you head with negative thoughts and let fear get in the way. Read The Secret. For some it may be out there. I am a Christian and can see how the book could be misinterpreted. But you can take from it now matter what religion you are or what you believe there is something to learned. It is so helpful. Start with affirmations. Write one and say it every morning. Hang it up around the house, on your bathroom mirror, on your kitchen cabinet, on your rear view mirror, on your computer, so you are constantly reading it. The more you see it the more you say it, you will believe it and it will happen. Make a goal poster, what are your dreams what are your desires? Put them on a poster board and hang it where you will see it everyday. I know these things probably sound silly, but they will help. Hopefully your company offers training weekly or something, take advantage of all you can get, everything is motivational and helpful. If you need more advice I would love to talk more to you.
Hope this helps.