Just for Fun, Stress Relievers

Updated on July 17, 2011
A.H. asks from Albany, OR
10 answers

I had an interesting week and being in the last weeks of school, schoolwork was more demanding. The stress was piling on and yet I went to the gym and killed myself for an hour and my stress went away. It seems to be the ultimate stress reliever for me. My close second would be dancing, in a club or gym class. Others are driving to music or taking a long shower. Thank goodness my folks will watch my little one when I need it lol. So, what is your ultimate stress reliever?

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Awesome relievers mommas. I like to think one day I'll find a decent place and try some boxing, that sounds fun. I always love a good comedy :P

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answers from Reno on

You mean outside of great, orgasmic sex with my husband? <wink>

Getting lost in a great novel, watching a favorite movie or working on my cross stitch or crochet project.

Sitting in the sun for a bit helps, too.

Good luck with school...

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answers from Tampa on

A great novel and a glass of red wine!

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answers from Washington DC on


Playing the piano.
deep cleaning something
baking cookies

Oooooo I forgot--- M*A*S*H

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answers from Kansas City on

a hot bubble bath with a good book.

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answers from Chicago on

s-e-x = the only no-fail stress releaver for me

--wow, just noticed how I spelled "reliever"

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answers from Los Angeles on

Going to the gym
Going for a walk by myself
Laughing either w/a phone call to a funny friend or watching a funny movie.
Reading the comics for a quick second (not as good as the laugh out loud w/a funny friend).
Buying a small trinket at the drugstore or online as long as it's cheap
Buying myself flowers at the grocery store.
Getting together w/girlfriends for dinner if I ever get the chance again. :)
Going to dinner once in a great while.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Swimming, diving, swimming, catching a wave, swimming. Breathing. Working out a plan to deal with whatever is causing the stress (if it's a particular problem).

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answers from Phoenix on

Tranquil scenery is one of my favorite stress reliever, like a beach or a lake, or go to a park and feed the ducks. Hiking by a waterfall is always great and smelling the fresh pine around you. Watching a comedy is always great. I read sometimes, but not often. My friend does this BBX thing...it's Boogie Box Fitness....She boasts about it all the time...Here's the link for you to check out: http://www.bbxinc.com/

Have a great night. :-D

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answers from Des Moines on

Boxing! I love it! I miss doing it now that I am 31 weeks pregnant, but I can't wait to get back to it! I grew up playing softball, so I used to go to the batting cages...but they closed them down and I miss it!!!

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answers from Medford on

sewing. its my therapy.

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